
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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  The development of odor emission rates from EU6 classified glass fiber bag filters was studied in four air-handling units (A HU), and emissions from the same kind of filters with EU3 classified polyester prefilters were studied in two units.
Pasanen P O, Teijonsalo J, Seppanen O, Ruuskanen J, Kalliokoski P
The Energy-related Environmental Issues (EnREI) Programme was established in 1991 by DoE Construction Sponsorship Directorate and BRE, with the aim of reducing emissions of C02 and other greenhouse gases due to energy use in non-domestic buildings
Shaw M R, Treadway K W
There are several stages in developing and using information technology to deliver its full benefits to building design for the construction industry: 1 . Specifying the user need 2. Developing application software
Howard R
In recent years, poor indoor climate has increasingly been seen as the cause of health problems for building occupants. Today, there is good evidence in some areas why such problems arise.
Granqvist P, Kronvall J
The aim of this study is to examine common ventilation and air conditioning systems and strategies for both domestic and commercial buildings in the member countries of the AIVC.
Limb M.J.
The purpose of this comparison of specified airtightness and ventilation rates is to provide a reference document for all those involved in ventilation and building research.
Limb M.J.
Some radon mitigation systems draw air with a high radon concentration from under the basement floors of houses and exhaust it outdoors.
Yuill G K, Coughlin R J
lnadequate ventilation is often cited as the cause of unhealthy air quality within office buildings, whilst excessive ventilation is similarly assumed to be the cause of discomfort and energy waste.
Walker R R, White M K, Kaleem R, Bergsoe N C
The Annex 27 (A27), Evaluation and Demonstration of Domestic Ventilation Systems, is given a genaral introduction.
Mansson L-G
A possible alternative to mechanical extract ventilation for kitchens and bathrooms is passive stack ventilation (PSV). BRE has carried out work on this type of system in a test house under controlled conditions.
Parkins L
New Zealand homes have traditionally been ventilated through open windows and by background infiltration.
Bassett M R
Four classrooms of two secondary schools located around Lyon in France have been monitored.
Richalet V, Beheregaray B, Guarracino G, Dornier C, Janvier L
In the frame of the European PASCOOL project, several experiments regarding single sided ventilation were carried out at BBRI in the outdoor PASSYS test cel. The test room of 30 m³ has a vertical window of about 1 m².
Ducarme D, Vandaele L, Wouters P
The airflow between a warm room and cool exterior can be significantly affected by an external headwind. Pollutant concentrations within the space depend on the relative sizes of the wind and the undisturbed stack driven flow.
Davies G M J, Holmes M J
The reason for the present project is the need for more reliable information about the actual ventilation conditions in naturally ventilated, detached houses.
Bergsoe N C
The acquisition of temperatures and velocities is a permanent recurrent task for the investigation of air flow in ventilated rooms. On the one hand it is important to measure the temperature and velocity field with a high spatial resolution.
Müller H, Vogel P
The present case study refers to a larger office building in Sweden. The employees in this building, which was built in 1982, began to complain about the indoor environment around 1985-86.
Kumlin A, Drakfors J, Emteborg P
Computational fluid dynamics has been used for assessing the thermal comfort and air quality in an office ventilated with a displacement system for a range of supply air conditions.
Gan G
Multifamily buildings with natural ventilation are still being built and exploited. Such buildings are often equipped with individual gas-fired water heaters located in windowless bathrooms.
Baranowski A
