
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A kitchen is one of the major moisture producing areas in a dwelling. In order to prevent condensation and mould growth the relative humidity should not be too high.
Shepherd T, Parkins L, Cripps A
In recent years plants have increasingly become an integral part of building interior design. Greened office space and large enclosures can provide a better human environment not only because of psychological reasons.
Strickler B
The paper presents some selected results of evaluation of improvement effectiveness of thermal insulation and tightness of multifamily dwelling houses located in the region of Silesia.
Nantka M B
In certain parts of the United Kingdom where radon gas seeps from the ground into the basement of domestic housing, normal methods of removing this gas by using under floor extract ventilation is not appropriate.
Ward I C, Wang F, Sharples S, Pitts A C, Woolliscroft M
The aim of this study was to unravel the occupational exposure to radon among underground workers. The possibility for radon mitigation by improving ventilation or by sealing was also investigated.
Korhonen P, Kokotti H, Kalliokoski P
Mechanical ventilation of the underfloor space is one of the most effective ways of reducing radon levels in buildings with suspended timber floors.
Woolliscroft M
In order to demonstrate conformity with the current Building Regulations, many house builders are incorporating sumps beneath the ground floor construction of houses within the designated Radon Affected Areas.
Bell P, Cripps A
The paper summarises an approach to determining the equations governing the air flow through simple cracks subject to fluctuating pressures.
Sharples S, Palmer R G
Blower Doors are used to measure the air tightness and air leakage of building envelopes.
Sherman M, Dickerhoff D
This paper reports on the findings from two extensive laboratory studies of ventilation of bathrooms of different sizes and layout of ventilation. The ventilation flow rates were varied.
Sandberg M, Blomqvist C
The relative energy use of PSV and extract fans has been a matter of considerable controversy, particularly in the UK.
Woolliscroft M
The fan and the ductnetwork is designed for 100% ventilation rate. Because the fan energy is the main important energy consumption in systems all over the year it is worthwhile to control the systems correctly.
Steimle F
A design guide for displacement ventilation (thermally induced ventilation ) has been prepared. It is based on quasi stationary experiments carried out in the Sulzer Infra laboratory in Winterthur.
Filleux C, Krummenacher S, Kofoed P
This paper presents the results of a monitoring programme on a medium sized educational building which has had the external walls re-clad.
Kula H G, Ward I C
In order to reduce the heat loss from buildings it is common to increase the thickness of insulation in the building envelope.The consequence of this action is more expensive buildings.
Brunsell J T
After a short description of the physical phenomena involved, unified expressions are worked out describing net airflow and net heat flow through large vertical openings between stratified zones.
Maas J van der, Hensen J L M, Roos A
This paper shows preliminary results of 18 out of 30 inspected ventilation systems in low rise, low energy residential buildings. We propose a method for the assessment of energy efficiency of ventilation systems.
Werner J, Rochard U, Zeller J
The paper is presenting experience from a several year long time of operation in a group of apartment buildings in the Stockholm area, Sweden, having an extremely low energy usage, less that 110kWh/(m2.year), electricity supply to the building ser
Svennberg S
The "Passivhaus Darmstadt-Kranichstein" is a 4 unit terrace house with an extremely low total annual energy consumption of less than 32 kWh/m² of living area, thereof about 12 kWh are needed for room heating /Feist 1994/.
Feist W, Werner J
The aim of the study was to identify methods for the renovation of ventilation systems in domestic buildings which are 3 - 8 storeys high. Three typical buildings were selected and the problems in ventilation were examined.
Heikkinen J, Pallari M-L
