
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

The main goals for this design tool are: - A powerful, but simple to use, technical and economic tool for selecting a ventilation plant. - Guide and control the consultants in accordance with the owner's economic preferences.
Wernstedt G
Building airtightness data are essential for design and model evaluation. An attempt has been made with the Numerical Database to compile data appropriate toinfiltration and ventilation studies.
Orme M S
This paper presents a trial of applying a CFD package into an air movement study in an old English church.
Ward I C, Wang F
This paper presents a measurement technique to perform quantitative visualization of room air flows.
Scholzen F, Moser A, Suter P
The idea that intend temperatures can be reduced by ventilating the air-space between the ceiling and the roof (the attic) of a house, is widely acknowledged by Civil Engineers and Architects.
Krüger E L, Corbella O D
The ventilation of a Swedish single family house is investigated by means of tracer gas and pressurization techniques.
Hedin B
Indoor air quality, comfort and energy use in buildings are largely dependent on the performance of HVAC systems. However, the pressure loss factors available to the designer show large discrepancies depending on the source of the data.
Riffat S B, Shao L, Woods A G
This paper is concerned with measurement of air and aerosol particle exchange efficiency in a single zone chamber. Aerosol particles and tracer gases were injected into the chamber and their concentrations were monitored as a funtion of time.
Adam N, Cheong K W, Riffat S B, Shao L
As a result of the "Sick Building Syndrome" (SBS) the confidence of operators of office buildings into HVAC technologies has suffered a considerable drop.
Steimle F, Roeben J
Tracer-gas techniques are widely used for measurement of airflow in buildings and their accuracy depends critically on the uniformity of tracerlair mixing.
Riffat S B, Shao L
Workers in 'white collar' jobs continue to complain about air-quality' problems.
Bassett M R, Isaacs N
Residential ventilation has at least two energy penalties that must be considered when addressing the ventilation levels recommended in ASHRAE Standard 62. Energy is required to heat the fresh outside air used for ventilation.
Stevens D T, O'Connor D
A study has been undertaken to (1) evaluate airtightness in recent construction dwellings in New York State, (2) evaluate the effectiveness of various strategies in providing adequate ventilation, and (3) study the use of various ventilation optio
Matson N E, Feustel H E, Warner J L, Talbott J
This paper reports on ventilation measurements taken beneath a suspended timber floor of a BRE/DoE energy and environment test house.
Hartless R, White M K
One important aim for the development of new air conditioning systems is the reduction of the total energy consumption.
Steimle F, Mengede B, Schiefelbein K
A series of laboratory experiments are described which investigated the effect of surface roughness on the air flow characteristics of simple, straight-through, no-bend cracks with smooth and rough internal surfaces.
Kula H-G, Sharples S
Simulation is proving more and more important in building physics. Programs of different levels of complexity are today available for researchers and designers to model and plan buildings.
Furbringer J-M
The work was concerned with measuring natural convection through a large horizontal opening of different sizes and shapes located between two rooms in a building.
Kohal J S, Riffat S B, Shao L
Measurements of interzone airflow and movement of aerosol particles were carried out in an environmental chamber. SF tracer gas and oil-smoke particles were used for this work.
Cheong K W, Adam N, Riffat S B
Occupant response in a good indicator of the effectiveness of a ventilation system. In a one-year study in the province of Quebec region, 20 public buildings were studied.
Donnini G, Nguyen V H, Molina J
