
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Th is paper exmined whether US military personnel during Operation Desert Shield were adversely affected by respiratory disease due to crowded living conditions and high levels of suspended and blowing sand.
Richards A L, Hyams K C, Watts D M, Rozmajzl P J, Woody J N, Merrell B R
This was a study of the possible causes of an outbreak of encephalitis on Saipan in October 1990.
Paul W S, Moore P S, Karabatsos N, Flood S P, Yamada S, Jackson T, Tsai T F
An epidemiological study was instigated by reports from a Denver office building of cases of building-related asthma and hyper-sensitivity pneumonitis.
Hoffman R E, Wood R C, Kreiss K
There had been complaints of Sick Building Syndrome symptoms by employees in a large sealed office complex in Ottowa, Canada ever since it had opened.
McDonald J C, Armstrong B, Benard J, Cherry N M, Farant J P
A study was made of the time dependence of the emission of organic compounds from a polyamide floor covering with styrene-butadiene-rubber backing in three climate chambers at 23 deg. C and 45% relative humidity.
Sollinger S, Levsen K, Wunsch G
Describes and investigation of house-dust mites in 96 Danish homes with one or more members with asthma. All the homes were measured for air exchange rates, humidity and temperature.
Harving H, Korsgaard J, Dahl R
Starting from the basic governing equations for fluid flows, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code is described.
LAM, Joseph C.; YUEN, Richard K. K.
We present the SYMBOL project which is based on a modular approach of modeling.
R. Ebert, G. Lefebvre, B. Flament
The layout of air-conditioning systems in building varies dramatically owing to the differences in conceptual design and the relationship between building and plant topologies.
T. T. Chow
A solar wall is a complex part of the building envelope, as it acts as an energy collector, passing solar energy from the exterior surface into the building with a time delay and in the same time reducing thermal losses during periods with no suns
Francis Wittchen
Building performance simulation is reviewed, with and emphasis on its role as a means to bring buildings into a better balance with the human and natural environments.
Antony D. Radford
After a short description of the physical phenomena involved, unified expressions are worked out describing net airflow and net heat flow through large vertical openings between stratified zones.
J.L.M. Hensen, J. van der Maas
ALLAN. SIMULATIONINEPTUNIX is a software designed at the GAZ DE FRANCE Research and Development Division and developed with the aid of CISI Ingenierie. It is a general software for the description and simulation of dynamic systems. ALLAN.
Alexandre Jeandel, Fabien Favret, Laurence Lapenu, Eric Lariviere
The design of buildings involve specialists from different disciplines, each performing tasks specific to their purpose, using data that describes the building in a particular way.
M. Vuong, N. D' Cruz
The paper reports on the NODES project as a spin-off implementation of the EC-funded COMBINE project.
Godfried Augenbroe, Wouter Rombouts, Peter Bijvoet, Leo Nederlof, Peter de Vries
The "CALIN" project (Computer Aided Learning Integration System) aims at the development of a hybrid computer aided learning (CAL) integrated system for Engineering Education applied to Energy conscious design of buildings.
Luc Adolphe
The object oriented (00) approach to software engineering offers new possibilities for the modelling of plant systems within a building context.
D. Tang, J.A. Clarke
The SPARK simulation environment is an object based simulation environment. Its objects are equations or systems of equations. Creating SPARK objects requires from the user to write SPARK syntax and C code.
Jean-Michael Nataf, Etienne Wurtz
The technical systems of buildings have become increasingly complex during the last years. This has led to new challenges both in developing tools for operation, monitoring, fault detection and optimal dynamic control of the systems.
Ilari Aho, Mingzhe Xu, Juhani Hyvarinen
Active and passive solar designs work on the basis of complex interactions of conduction, convection, radiation, mass flows, feedback and control mechanisms which are inherently dynamic and often tightly coupled.
Jon W. Hand, Aasem Essam, Paul Strachan
