
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The limited development potential of current building simulation programs has spurred the design of a new generation of tools: object oriented simulation environments, where the latest in software technology and numerical methods is employed to pr
Per Sahlin
Over the past decade developments in the building simulation field have given rise to the prospect of a new generation of design tool which has the potential to allow rigorous hypothesis testing at the design stage.
J.A. Clarke, D. F. Mac Randal
Currently, building energy analysis programs employ models of fluorescent lighting systems which are much oversimplified and potentially inaccurate.
Karl F. Johnson, Edward F. Sowell
Thermal simulation programs for buildings have been available for many years.
Robin Drogemuller, Harry Suehrcke
As a result of the progression of computing power and the increasing demandsfor detailed thermal performance assessment users are shifting from simplified design tools to comprehensive, dynamic thermal appraisal tools which are able to handle the
J.L.M. Hensen, J.A. Clarke, P. Strachan, Jon W. Hand
In this paper the availability of weather data in Australasia in terms of both hourly data for energy simulations and synthesized design day data for cooling and heating load estimation is discussed.
M. Trevor Kingston, Murray D. Mason
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has recently released two new programs, LightCAD and LightPAD, to enhance the design and application of lighting in commercial buildings.
Karl F. Johnson, G. Kimball Hart, John Weidt
The conceptual theory and qualitative structure of a model for the evaluation of life safety in building fires is presented The model is based on a hierarchical framework, which is then overlain with an interactive network to represent the inter?r
A. John Hinks
New object oriented simulation environments offer dramatically improved possibilities for simulation of coupled systems.
Per Sahlin, Axel Bring
This paper describes the modelling and the experimental validation under ALLAN.TM Simulation software³ of a dwelling subjected to actual indoor and outdoor conditions.
Alexandre Jeandel, K. Boulkroune,Y. Candau, G. Piar
The simulation of daylighting performance requires some knowledge about prevailing sky conditions, especially luminance.
Nancy Ruck, Geoffrey G. Roy, Graeme Reid
This paper examines the application of simulation tools to daylighting and heating energy use in the context of what questions the designers wish to ask and what answers they seek.
Mike Donn, Robert Amor, Nigel Isaacs, John Hosking
The heat conduction through the walls changes the heat load and its distribution in a room, and thus affects the air flow pattern in a buoyancy-controlled ventilated room.
Yuguo Li, Sture Holmberg, Laszlo Fuchs
The first purpose of our work has been to allow-as far as heat transfer modes, airflow calculation and meteorological data reconstitution are concerned-the integration of diverse interchangeable physical models in a single software tool for profes
J. Brau, H. Boyer, J. C. Gatina
In this paper we present computational experiments on the efficiency of partitioning of domains on the speed of simulation runs with an object-based solver.
Jean-Michael Nataf, Rolf Ebert
The most effective way of establishing confidence in the ability of a simulation tool to model a particular component or system is to compare the predictions with measured data.
P. Strachan
An overview of the principles used to develop productive interfaces is presented, and afresh approach to the design and use of Simulation Systems is suggested.
Paul Taplin
The Simulation Problem Analysis Research Kernel (SPARK) environment for simulation of nonlinear differential algebraic systems has been revised to improve modeling convenience, modeling flexibility, and solution efficiency.
W. F. Buhl, A. E. Erdem, F. C. Winkelmann
The simulation of temperature and pressure development in the ventilation systems of an offshore oil platform during the initial phase of afire has been carried out using the IDA solver (IDA 1991).
Kjell Kolsaker
In this paper we elaborate on a general representation for robots in building construction, to simulate the robots' capabilities to operate within different building projects and in cooperation with human labor crews.
Rudi Stouffs, Ramesh Krishnamurti, Stephen R. Lee, Irving J.Oppenheim
