
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper describes the recent, current and projected uses of building energy simulation software. Limitations of the currently available software are discussed. Suggestions as to the formal of future programs
Stephen K. Logan
The use of simulation as a tool for assessing building thermal performance is a powerful technique but contains certain difficulties, which limit very much its application and even its dissemination.
Helder Goncalves
Software engineering is the structured approach to the development of computer software.
Tony Pollard, Jim Plume
The CLIM 2000 software environment was developed by the Electricity Applications in Buildings Branch of the French utility company, Electricité de France.
B. Gautier, F.X. Rongere, D. Bonneau, Denis Covalet
Computer simulations play an important role in programs being conducted by electric utility companies in the United States to reduce customers' demand for electricity.
Karl F. Johnson, Donald J. Frey
Weather data at thousands of stations throughout the world are compiled for air-conditioning load calculation using a personal computer. Several selected sources of weather data are introduced.
Hiroshi Akasaka, Yoshinobu Arai, Soichiro Kuroki, Satoshi Ohara
Computer-based simulation methods offer a powerful and flerible tool for building energy analysis.
Joseph C. Lam, Sam C. M. Hui
Developed in this study is the computer simulation program which can predict the temperature and humidity variation in multiroom of a residence, especially under variable opening conditions such as doorway open or close according to inhabitants be
Tsuchiya Takao, Sakano Kazumi
This contribution contains the description of a design and evaluation system which is formulated for the early phases in the building design process. These phases include the conceptual and the preliminary design steps.
K. J. Veldhuisen, E. J. H. Hacfoort
There is increasing concern and awareness of the contribution of the built environment to global environmental problems such as the depletion of the ozone layer, large-scale soil erosion and deposition, the generation of greenhouse gases, atmosphe
John Palmer, Marci Webster-Mannison
BC Hydro and their consultant have devised a method for aggregating hourly results from DOE2 computer energy models to simulate sector-wide impacts of commercial deman-side management (DSM) programs.
Norm Weaver, Gifford Jung, Curt Hepting
A new energy efficiency code for nonresidential buildings is being developed in Canada.
Drury B. Crawley, Daniel M. Sander, Steve Cornick, Guy R. Newsham
In view of the emerging radiant cooling technologies in the European market, a dynamic building thermal analysis program ACCURACY is enhanced to be able to do cooling-load calculations and annual energy analysis for rooms with cooled ceiling clima
J. van der Kooi, J. Niu
Building designers are increasing their use of computer software to more effectively take advantage of analytical tools that are useful to the design process.
Larry O. Degelman, Tao-Kuang Huang
The methodology for validation of Building Energy Simulation Programs developed within the CEC concerted action PASSYS by the Model Validation and Development subgroup was presented at the IBPSA conference "Building Simulation '91" (Jensen and van
Soren Ostergaard Jensen
A new service has been developed to assist new home?builders to examine the design options with a view to improving the energy efficiency and comfort of their new home.
S. K. Moller, K. I. Guthrie
Field measurements of the thermal performance of five low cost houses in Malaysia were carried out. Thermal simulation tests were performed on two of the houses, a traditional Malay village house, and a modem urban Cluster-Link house.
P. J. Jones, D. K. Alexander, M. Rahman
Several older buildings have been found to violate the building code requirements with respect to health and safety of occupants.
Krishnan Gowri, Paul Fazio, Dan Seth
The application, design, and sizing of commercial water heating systems has been hampered by the lack of an accessible tool for evaluating long-term performance and operating energy costs.
Karl F. Johnson, Alan C. Shedd, Donald W. Abrams
The efficacy of dynamic thermal simulation tools in practice is dependent not only on the facilities offered by the tools and the rigour of the underlying calculations but also on the skills of the user vis-a-vis abstracting the essence of the pro
Jon W. Hand
