The 18th AIVC Conference, Ventilation and Cooling, was held in Athens, Greece, 23-24 September 1997.

Contains 70 papers 

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The book of proceedings from the 18th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and Cooling", Athens, Greece, 23-24 September 1997 Volume 1 includes 46 papers Volume 2 includes 25 papers
Describes the development of the Swedish duct tightness guidelines, the "AMA system".
Andersson J V
Temperature and cooling demand in a room summertime are influenced by numerous factors,like internal gains, ventilation, solar gain, behaviour of occupants, thermal inertia of the roomand outdoor conditions (climate).The thermal environment and co
Dokka T H
This paper describes the design and development of the natural ventilation system of the new Contact Theatre Complex Manchester, UK, designed by A Goldrick of Short Ford Associates.
Jones P
The traditional way to dehumidify the outdoor air in a heating, ventilating and airconditioning (ENAC) system is by cooling the air temperature down below the dew point.For this process a refrigeration system is necessary to realise these low temp
Röben J
Trouble shooting air distribution problems in mechanically ventilated offices often has to be carriedout in limited "after hours" periods.
Bassett M R
Existing infiltration and exfiltration calculation methods are mainly based on the stationaryapproach, where long term mean values are used for wind input data. The real wind speed is,however, varying continuously with time.
Siren K
Perceived barriers restricting the implementation of natural or simple fan assisted ventilationsystems in the design of new office type buildings and in the refurbishment of existing suchbuildings have been identified in seven central and north Eu
Aggerholm S
The series connected heat exchangers - configured either as an arrangement of gas-gas,gas-liquid or liquid-liquid heat exchangers- are widely used in the process industry andair-conditioning where they can be found in a variety of heat (cool) reco
Marttila E
The air flow in a Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) tower has been modelled using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code.
Mansour M A, Cook M J, Taki A H, Lomas K J
Checking models of thermal behaviour or ventilation of a room can be performed in specialtest cells. At EMPA a ventilation test chamber with several experimental facilities has beendesigned and built.
Weber A, Ruegg T, Schaelin A
This paper gives an overview of duct leakage issues in Europe. A literature review indicates alack of ductwork air tightness measurement data in the member states.
Carrie F R, Wouters P, Ducarme D, Andersson J, Faysse J C, Chaffois P, Kilberger M, Patriarca V
Concentrations of indoor air contaminants are normally calculated by assuming that they fullyfollow airflow paths in a room.
Holmberg S, Li Y
This paper presents the results from the monitoring of a low energy building, namely, the Portland Building University of Portsmouth - UK) during February and July 1997.
Azzi D, Virk G S
This paper presents an analysis of different possibilities of representing mass transfers in zonal models. In this aim, formulations derived from the Navier-Stokes equations or from Euler's theorem are obtained.
Musy M, Wurtz E, Nataf J M
This investigation is part of project NATVENT TM, a concerted action of nine institutions of seven European countries under the Joule-3 program.
van Paassen A H C, Liem S H, Groninger B P
The purpose of this research is to give an overall prospect of the performance of 4 kinds of ventilation systems for dwellings using numerical simulation under various conditions.
Yoshino H, Liu J, Zhao Y, Mansson L G, Millet J R, Feustel H E
Air flow through doors, windows and other large openings constitutes a major factor inbuilding ventilation.
Papamanolis N, Santamouris M, Dascalaki E, Argiriou A, Asimakopoulos D N
The results presented here supply values for the room ventilation efficiency of a number of configurations covering as many as possible of the ventilation systems encountered in actual practice.
Marchal D, Baumann M L, Barles P
