The 18th AIVC Conference, Ventilation and Cooling, was held in Athens, Greece, 23-24 September 1997.

Contains 70 papers 

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A difficulty when designing natural ventilation in office buildings is the lack of simple designtools.In order to be able to predict natural ventilation air flow rates and indoor air temperatures atthe design stage, a computer model has been devel
Svensson C, Aggerholm S
The IEA project Annex 27, Evaluation and Demonstration of Domestic Ventilation Systems,have come to the stage that simplified tools can be presented in a total scheme.
Mansson L-G
This paper will present a general approach that may be used to solve natural ventilation designproblems typically addressed at the preliminary design stage - How wide should windows beopened in a given building for wind-driven cross ventilation on
Axley J W
This paper discusses summer cooling of buildings by means of natural ventilation. Computational fluid dynamics is used to predict the ventilation rate in a room with a Trombe wall.
Gan G
Temperature and cooling demand in a room summertime are influenced by numerous factors,like internal gains, ventilation, solar gain, behaviour of occupants, thermal inertia of the roomand outdoor conditions (climate).The thermal environment and co
Dokka T-H, Dokka B H
An investigation of some Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) parameters in a significant office of the State in the area of Rome was undertaken.
Fasano G, Giorgiantoni G, Raponi F, Leonelli V
In the framework of the Flemish Impulse Programme on Energy Technology (VLIET), the project called SENVIVV is running from January 1995 till September 1997.
Wouters P, Bossaer A, Demeester J, Ducarme D, Vandermarcke B, Vangroenweghe W
Natural passive stack ventilation (PSV) consumes no power and so produces no harmfulemissions, has no running cost, no noise of operation, requires little maintenance and becauseit involves no moving parts, operation is reliable.
Siren K, Riffat S, Afonso C, Oliveira A, Kofoed P
In the present paper a model for steady-state thermal analysis of ventilated and unventilated light rook is proposed.
Fracastoro G V, Giai L, Perino M
The main source of humidity in office buildings is the human occupant. Moisture is therefore a result of heat transmission from the person to the room air.
Steimle F
The design of low-energy office buildings requires specific attention to an energy efficient concept for providing good indoor air quality conditions.
Wouters P, Ducarme D, Martin S, Demeester J, Schietecat J, Schouwenaars S
