Evaluation of an air-to-air heat exchanger.

Tests a room-size, residential air-to-air heat exchanger for effectiveness of heat recovery. Conducts experiments in a small wood frame building, the Test Chamber, on the roof of the lab building. Determines heat recovery efficiency by comparing actual heat loss to that expected due to mechanically induced ventilation. The heat exchanger recovers almost 50% of the heat contained in the outgoing air flow. Additional experiments quantify effects of fan power consumption and heat conduction through the case of the device.

Residential air-to-air heat exchangers - Performance, energy savings and economics.

Residential energy consumption can be decreased if air infiltration is reduced. However, reduced air infiltration can lead to problems with indoor air quality (eg excess humidity and high levels of indoor-generated air contaminants.). One sol

Study of a house with mechanical ventilation (exhaust/supply) and heat exchange. En granskning av ett FTX-ventilerat smahus.

Investigates excessive energy consumption in a house mechanical ventilation and heat exchanger. Explains why the house consumes so much energy. Analyses the ventilation system and defines a "coefficient of performance". Such a factor could characterise the energy requirement of a ventilation system. Emphasizes that the ventilation system is to be regarded as an entire system and that a certificate for the exchanger does not guarantee that the totalsystem will perform satisfactorily.

Draft Standard for ventilation systems. Forslag til NKB-norm for ventilasjonsanlegg.

Provides basis for planning and installing plant for maintaining indoor climate based on previous draft which is based on earlier Danish Standard. Refers to several salient design criteria including leakage factors at given test pressure, maintenance of climate parameters, air quality, anticipated energy consumption. Gives example table for requirements of building in terms of m2/person depending on application. States example tolerances of air flows.

Comparison of ventilation systems in an experimental building in Helsinki. Ilmanvaihtojarjestelmavertailu koerakennuskohteessa kasarminkatu 24

Performs an investigation concerning the operation of ventilation systems in an old building (a museum) after extensive repairs have been made. The new ventilation system is a supply and exhaust type. Measures ventilation rate and energy consumption for 1. mechanical air supply and and exhaust 2. Mechanical exhaust only 3. Exhaust from the secondary space only with other ventilation ducts closed. Uses nitrous oxide as tracer gas. Measurement of radon concentration shows that concentration is lower in 1 than 2, in spite of the fact that the air change rate is the same in both (0.7 ach).

Test method for determining the thermal performance of houses.

Describes a test method for determining the overall heat loss coefficient of a house. Bases method on the statistical correlation of measured heat consumption with outdoor weather data. Derives a regression equation from the heat balance giving the relation between indoor air temperature, internal heat production and the outdoor weather data. Continuously monitors the power consumption (from electrical heaters) in an unoccupied house, together with indoor air temperatures and outdoor weather data, as solar radiation, outdoor air temperature and wind velocity.

Energy consumption prediction by energy audits.

Long-term efforts in Belgian research has led to the development of computer models for energy consumption predictions. Describes some simplified methodologies to be used for quick analysis of situations, especially in 2 cases:< 1. The analysis of the impact of certain design options on the thermal and energy balance of a house.< 2.

Evaluation of existing programs for simulation of residential building energy use.

Carries out a review and evaluation of residential building energy analysis programs in 6 steps - 1. Survey of the experience and needs of electric and gas utilities in residential building energy analysis 2. Identification of currently available programs for residential energy use analysis 3. Examination and summary of intended capabilities of 10 programs 4. In depth analysis of the engineering bases of 5 programs (DOE 2.1, ENCORE-CANADA, HEAP, REAP and TRYNSIS) 5. Tests of these 5 programs 6.

Levels of energy monitoring in houses.

Describes improvements made in the monitoring of energy consumption in housing in the past decade. Covers the highly instrumented townhouses monitoring of Twin Rivers in the early 1970's, using more than 50 channels of data recording, with appropriate sensors. This has led to simpler systems used to evaluate energy savings following retrofits. In 1977-78, 3-channel utility demand recorders were upgraded to a 12 channel capability, and this worked successfully on more than 30 townhouses.

Manual method for calculating the energy requirements of buildings. Manuell metode for beregning av energiforbruk i boliger.

Describes a simple manual method for providing a rough calculation of the likely energy requirements of a building at an early stage in the project, before the detailed information required by established computer programs can be provided.
