Performance comes home for Steve Thomas.

Describes the energy efficient retrofit of a residential building following a home performance assessment. Home performance contractors were able to save the owner 40% in annual heating costs with an insulation upgrade, a heating and hot water system replacement and air sealing in the 200 year old house. As part of a promotion exercise for the new Home Performance with Energy Star initiative in New York, the house was the demonstration site for a TV and video production.

Creativity in HVAC design. Part 2

Second article in this series. Describes a second type of system that supplies 100% outdoor air, and is projected to save significant energy over standard HVAC. Notes that nearly all schools and large buildings in the US and many other nations operate on the principle that, to control energy costs, building ventilation systems must recycle a majority of indoor air that is already heated or cooled. In the name of energy conservation, many building owners and managers set their ventilation systems to bring in too little outdoor air.

Indicators of energy efficiency in cold climate buildings.

In an International Energy Agency collaborative project, an attempt has been made to establish indicators that unambiguously characterise energy use in a cold climate. Detailed information was obtained from 11 buildings in the seven participating countries. The project revealed that often there are no internationally accepted methods or definitions for the determination of different quantities. There is no general indicator that can on its own describe the energy effectiveness of a building.

Air barrier solutions for buildings in North American Climates. Proceedings. Air Barriers III.

This symposium covers materials, techniques and technologies successfully employed in energy efficient air barrier systems for residential and commercial buildings. Also looks at occupancy ventilation issues when developing functional energy efficient air barrier systems.

Evaluation and development of innovative and energe efficient ventilation strategies.

A potential conflict may exist between energy saving and good indoor climate. The present project is phase 2 of a 5-year research programme consisting of four phases, the objective of which was to develop energy efficient ventilation strategies that will provide both healthy and comfortable indoor climate and reduced energy consumption when compared to present standard.

Regarding energy myths.

Discusses some of the many myths of energy efficient behaviour, and the importance of scepticism and awareness.

New carrots for energy efficiency programs.

Under deregulation, performance incentives to get utilities interested in investing in energy efficiency programs need to change. What works now and why?

Curbing the growth in UK commercial energy consumption.


Housing benefits.

