Improvement in energy efficiency and indoor climate in naturally ventilated houses.

In Sweden there are close to 500000 one-family houses heated by electric baseboard heaters. Of them 90 % were built before 1980. In this group the most common ventilation system is natural ventilation. Half of all houses 'with electric baseboard heaters were built between 1971 and 1980. The Swedish Council for Building Research has been asked by the Swedish government to carry out a program concerning the efficient use of electricity in buildings.

Energy efficient ventilation strategies.

Ventilation is the process by which clean air is provided to a space. It is essential for the provision of fresh air to occupants and for the dilution and removal of pollutants. It is therefore at the focal point of building environmental design. In many climatic regions, ventilation air must be conditioned by heating or cooling. Such treatment frequently incurs a heavy energy penalty. In addition, ventilation systems can be complex and involve space, installation costs, maintenance and operating energy. It is these factors that motivate much ventilation research.

Highlights of the proposed Canadian code for energy efficiency in new houses.

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes, senior committee in a national consensus structure dedicated to the writing of model codes under the auspices of the National Research Council of Canada, is preparing a new Canadian energy efficiency code for new buildings, to replace the Measures for Energy Conservation in New Buildings, published in 1978 and 1983. 
