Energy efficient new homes - the details of good practice.

New Best Practice programme publications from the Energy Efficiency Office provide the building industry with guidance on construction design for well insulated new houses, writes Peter Barton-Wood, BRECSU

Guidance on energy efficiency in industrial buildings.

Douglas Haughey, BRECSU, highlights the need for authoritative guidance on improving the performance of industrial buildings.

Controlled comfort.

Inadequate controls - by today's standards - are estimated to cost industry and commerce £500 million a year in wasted ener9y. Terry Walters, chairman of the Building Controls Group of the Energy Systems Trade Association, looks at the opportunities in ventilation and air conditioning.

Inefficient legislation.


Natural justice.

The design of Rotherham's new courthouse adopts passive solar architecture and heat recovery systems in an effort to make the legal process less energy intensive. Stephen Ashley reports.

Air-leakage control manual.


The Majrovagen project. Experimental building design for low energy use and good indoor climate.

The Majrovagen project is the result of a design competition, held by the City of Stockholm and the Swedish Council for Building Research in 1990. The competition is a part of the efforts made by the City to promote efficient energy use and healthy buildings. Efficient energy use will help reduce disruption to the environment, the need for new, expensive energy plants, and, not least, the energy costs of the inhabitants of Stockholm. Three different projects with mu It if amity houses of about 60 apartments each were chosen by a Jury to be built in the same area during 1993.

A Swedish - German energy efficient apartment building with attached sunspace.

Two identical apartment buildings were built, one in Germany, and one in Sweden, in 1986. The idea was to create energy efficient housing at a low cost, using Swedish building technology and German heating and ventilation technology. The Swedish building code, which is more stringent in terms of energy conservation than the German one, was applied in both countries. The paper examines the performance of the buildings.
