Sizing up skylights.

Sunlight from above can enliven a house dramatically. Designers, builders and homeowners who understand the energy aspects of skylights can best select them for comfort as well as appearance.

State of the art of advanced building technologies in IEA countries.

Gives a personal assessment of the most important energy utilisation techniques. Describes low-energy buildings, the building fabric, ventilation, energy saving heating systems, including oil heating, gas heating, wood-firing systems, heat pumps, co-generation, solar systems (active), heat emission and heat control; and waterheating.

Efficient and effective residential air handling devices.

This study examined the efficiencies of residential ventilation and furnace fans . The scope included a detailed review of motor and motor control t echnology , fan design issues and an international search of motor / fan combinations of conventional and higher - efficiency . It was found that current residential air handlers are often ten times less efficient than their  larger commercial counterparts . Cost effectiveness considerations of ventilation and furnace fans ( the most energy intensive applications ) , showed that dramatic improvement s in efficiency are justifiable .

Barriers to the use of energy efficient residential ventilation devices.

Changes to Canadian building codes and standards are likely to increase the use of residential ventilation systems by homeowners. This has raised concerns about operating and maintenance costs, particularly because much of the existing residential equipment is not designed for longevity, or energy efficiency. The technical potential for improving the longevity and efficiency of ventilation systems has been documented in other research reports by CMHC.

The development of a housing energy strategy at the London Borough of Croydon.

The management and client role of the maintenance of the housing stock of the London

Borough of Croydon is undertaken by the Housing Department. They view themselves primarily as housing managers and not as providers of a welfare service, and as such their priorities are:
