Characterization of particulate emissions from occupant activities in offices.

This paper characterizes the relationship between occupant activities and indoor air particulate levels in a non-smoking office building. Occupant activities were recorded on video. Particulate concentrations were monitored by three optical particle counters (OPCs) in five size ranges at three heights. Particulate mass concentrations were measured gravimetrically and bioaerosol concentrations were determined by impaction methods. Occupant activities and number concentrations were determined with 1-min resolution over a 1-week period.

Mary's story. A lab design gone wrong.

Mary is a person who suffered terrible health problems, most likely stemming from the design conditions in a lab in which she worked. Designers everywhere can learn from her experience.

Effect of renovating an office building on occupants' comfort and health.

An intervention study was performed in a mechanically ventilated office building in which there were severe indoor climate complaints among the occupants. In one part of the building a new heating and ventilation strategy was implemented by renovating the HVAC system, and a carpet was replaced with a low-emitting vinyl floor material; the other part of the building was kept unchanged, serving as a control. A comprehensive indoor climate investigation was performed before and after the intervention.

Indoor air quality handbook.

Effect of indoor climate on labour productivity: a case study in a shipping storage.

Productivity is one of the most important factors affecting the overall performance of any organization. Productivity is defined as the ratio output divided by the input used to produce the output. The output refers to products and services produced by an organization (2). Increased attention has been paid to the relationship between the work environment and productivity in the 1990s. Laboratory and field studies show that the air quality and thermal conditions at work may have a notable impact on the performance of the occupants, and consequently on labor productivity (1,3,4).
