A review of ventilation and the quality of ventilation air.

Ventilation is pivotal both in terms of indoor air quality and environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions. It also has a major impact on energy use in buildings. It is important, therefore that the role md impact of ventilation is filly understood. The purpose of this paper is to review these aspects with particular reference to recent research and developments. Key aspects are concerned with the role of ventilation in maintaining good indoor air quality, ensuring the quality of the outdoor air and incorporating strategies to ensure good ventilation performance.

Health care IAQ: guidance for infection control.

Indoor air quality (IAQ) challenges outnumber all others in the health care industry. Unfortunately, the cost conscious powers that be have failed to make the management of critical infection control systems a top priority.

Development of a multiple regression model to identify multi-family residential buildings with a high prevalence of sick building syndrome (SBS).

The aim was to develop a multiple logistic regression model to identify multi-family houses with an increase of sick building syndrome (SBS). In Stockholm, 609 multi-family buildings with 14,235 dwellings were selected by stratified random sampling. The response rate was 77%. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied, adjusting for ownership of the building, building age and size, age, gender, and atopy. Females, subjects with allergy, those above 65 yr, and those in new buildings reported significantly more SBS.

Simulating quality in relation to ventilation systems: challenges for an energy performance regulation.

Ventilation systems should contribute to good indoor air quality conditions and should be energy efficient. In practice, one often finds ventilation systems which often do not give the appropriate indoor climate conditions and/or which consume a lot of energy.""In an increased number of European countries, legislation exists (France, Netherlands,...) or is under preparation (Belgium, Greece,...) putting requirements on the total energy use of the building. Part of this energy use deals with ventilation (thermal energy and fan energy).

Air quality and ventilation rates in schools in Poland - requirements vs reality.

The relationships between indoor environment and health, well being and ability to acquire knowledge are unquestionable. These are the reasons why in many countries a high level of indoor environment is required in school buildings. The goal of the paper is to compare the real state of the environment in classrooms in Poland with accepted requirements and standards. The evaluation of the existing situation is based on indoor environment measurements in 28 classrooms in Warsaw.

Quantifying ventilation needs in Local Authority housing - a case study.

A Tool Kit was developed to assess indoor air quality. The Tool Kit was designed to be robust, reliable, universal and to provide data that could be linked with other studies assessing health, social factors and building conditions for any given locality. A case study using the Tool Kit to assess 116 Local Authority houses is described.
