Come in, number 62.

A new version of the ASHRAE's Standard 62, which concentrates on ventilation and indoor air quality 
issues, has recently been released for pubIic review. What elements have.changed from the 1989 edition?

Designing HVAC systems for optimum indoor air quality.

HVAC system designs must address both high indoor air quality as well as energy efficiency as the awareness of and demand for proper air quality increases. Economic considerations such as installation and operating costs have impaired many conventional system designs to the point of compromised indoor air quality. This paper discusses many HVAC design parameters that arc critical to achieving adequate indoor air quality.

Ventilation and air quality in an office building.

The aim of this study is to assess the performance of the mechanical ventilation system and air quality in an office building. The perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) technique was used to measure air flow in an air handling unit and to estimate flow rates supplied to the office. In order to validate the PFT technique as a viable means of measuring air flow in the mechanical ventilation system, the PFT measurements were compared with measurements made using a pitot-static tube. Air exchange range, ventilation effectiveness and age of air were examined.

A study on the control strategies to improve indoor air quality with outdoor air - demonstrated by a bathroom design.

Poor indoor air quality caused by poor ventilation was indicated from field measurements in apartments in Taiwan. Four strategies of employing thermal buoyancy effect, dedicated air flow pattern, transom and spatial connection control are proposed to improve indoor air quality by removing indoor pollutants with outdoor air. To prove the concepts, a bathroom design based on the proposed strategies is presented by numerical simulation using 11 computational fluid dynamics code.

The influence of the occupants and the construction period on the resulting indoor environment.

This study, in progress in Trondheim, Norway, deals with the connection between energy economy and indoor air quality in detached houses. It includes 41 new houses, all equipped with balanced ventilation and heat-pump for energy savings. The study includes both questionnaires and various measurements, and will be finished in 1994. Comparing the new and old housing, 90 % of the occupants are more satisfied with the indoor air quality in their new home, than their old home.

Do green buildings provide better IAQ?


Indoor environment quality in European office buildings.

Within the European project Joule II - Indoor Air Quality Audit, 56 office buildings were audited during the winter season 1993-1994 in Europe. The purpose of the audit is to harvest information on ventilation and indoor air quality in relation with occupant health and energy consumption in office buildings. The audit concerns the building itself and its technical equipment, indoor air quality and the opinion of the occupants on the comfort and health condition.

Decipols: should we use them?

This paper provides a discussion on the use of the olf and the decipol. The validity of using these units to determine ventilation rates and compare pollution emission rates is discussed, in relation to their derivation and theoretical basis and the method of application. A procedure has been developed for testing buildings by using a trained panel of people to rate air quality directly in decipol units. This was used in nine European countries as part pf the 'European Audit Project'.
