During the winters of 1982/83 and 1983/84, air infiltration measurements were made in 34 dwellings in 5 apartment blocks. In all 34 dwellings the air leakage of the building shell was measured by pressurization. In 5 dwellings tracer gas decay rate was used to measure the air change rate, both with andwithout mechanical ventilation. Results of these measurements are presented.
Describes a project for the design, construction and evaluation of a mechanical ventilation system of small dimensions, easy installation and extreme simplicity.
Industrial buildings, particularly those containing nuclear and process plant, often require high standards of ventilation in order to cope with unusual features of the operations or process which take place within the buildings.
A survey is given of the sitution in The Netherlands with regard to ventilation and infiltration. Starting from a point of generally very leaky and hardly insulated buildings now the necessity is felt on the one side to make standards for the airtightness to prevent energy wastes by too high infiltration rates and on the other hand to define minimum ventilation rates to secure safe and hygienic conditions in well insulated and airtight buildings. This minimum ventilation rate is based on contaminants, caused by the occupants themselves, the so-called unavoidable sources.
Based on current concerns regarding indoor air quality and energy use, there is a need for in situ techniques for evaluating buildings' infiltration and ventilation characteristics. The U.S. National Bureau of Standards has developed and employed equipment and techniques for such evaluation. The measurement of whole building leakage and ventilation rates has been reported on previously. Additional procedures are presented here for a more complete evaluation of the ventilation system operation and the distribution of air within the building.
Discusses strategy for dealing with indoor air pollution in office and similar buildings, including verification of the mechanical ventilation system, measurement of building pressure, problems due to stack effect, presence of moisture. Suggests that the causes and cures of indoor pollution are diverse and surprisingly simple. Mechanical ventilation systems should be less complex, have dynamic stability and correct uncontrolled excessive moisture.
As airtight houses become more popular across Canada, reduced ventilation rates may lead to poor air quality and high humidity problems in these dwellings. This paper reviews the needs for ventilation, ventilation methods and systems, and current codes and standards, particularly with respect to airtight and energy efficient houses. Current research in Canada is reviewed and considerations for a new ventilation standard are discussed.
Concentrates on low energy housing construction in Scandinavia, and Sweden in particular, where typical new detached houses with a floor area of 140 m2 now use less energy for space heating than water heating.
This paper discusses the indoor formaldehyde levels in two groups of houses. With the exception of the heating and ventilation systems, the house construction, formaldehyde sources and occupancy were similar for the two groups, One group (A) used electric baseboard convective heaters for space heating and semi-ducted heat recovery ventilators (HRV) for supplying outdoor air and exhausting indoor air , The second group (B) had electric forced-air furnaces with a ducted air supply to every room, Outdoor air was drawn in via a connection to the return air ductwork.