Quality improvements in displacement ventilation. Kvalitetsforbedring ved fortrengningsventilasjon.

Gives a history of the development of air conditioning, and displacement ventilation in particular. Discusses the constant problem of working environments - contamination, and the 'side effects' of economy measures resulting from the 1974 oil crisis. Refers to collaboration between HVAC engineers and the health authorities. Recommends the use of displacement ventilation because of its improvement in air quality. Considers the problems caused by the use of floor coverings and filled carpets in particular.

Ventilation criteria: biological demands and formulation of standards.

Methods of controlling indoor air pollution include control, air cleaning and dilution with uncontaminated air. Assessment of the amount of ventilation necessary depends on the extent of pollution, which has increased as new pollutants are identified and new materials are used. This has lead to thereexamination of ventilation standards and their underlying rationale.

The importance of indoor air pollution to personal exposures in developing countries.

Air pollution is not just a phenomenon associated with urbanization and industrialization. It is possible that the principal exposures to several important pollutants occur in rural areas of developing countries where the population relies on biomass fuels for their energy needs. These fuels have large emission factors for particulates, CO and a range of hydrocarbons. Rural studies have found very high BaP concentrations. Effects on health have not been researched, but can be assumed to be similar to urban occupational air pollution effects.

The importance of indoor air pollution to personal exposures in industrialised societies.

Indoor concentrations of a variety of particulate matter and gaseous compounds often exceed outdoor concentrations. We should examine exposures to air pollutants within the important built environments or perhaps on a personal basis. The development of reliable biological markers is still an area of active research. Instruments passively monitoring NO2 exposures over timeperiods ranging from hours to days have been used in several studies in theU.S.

Indoor air, volume 6: evaluations and conclusions for health sciences and technology.

Contains further papers, reports and conference summaries from the 3rd International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 1984, as well as afull list of authors and titles of papers printed in this and the previous volumes.
