Interlaboratory comparison of passive samplers for organic vapours with respect to their applicability to indoor air pollution monitoring: a pilot study.

This document reports on analytical work carried out in cooperation among three European laboratories. The purpose of this work was to carry out a first assessment on the performances of passive samplers for organic vapours when used in indoor air pollution monitoring and simultaneously to evaluate theinterlaboratory agreement on low concentration analysis of a variety of volatile organic compounds. Two types of passive samplers were thus exposed in the different facilities and replicate specimens were analysed at each of the three laboratories.

Indoor air pollution due to organic gases and vapours of solvents in building materials.

The emission of organic gases and vapours of solvent type from 42 commonly used building materials was measured under standard atmospheric conditions. 

Indoor air quality and minimum ventilation rate.

Reviews the most important sources of indoor air pollutants, and means of measuring the contamination of room air by persons (carbon dioxide and odours). Lists some recommendations for minimum ventilation rates, based on the results of experimental investigations.

Indoor air quality in tight houses: a literature review.

Reviews literature on indoor air quality in housing, nature of contaminants and their sources, health effects, standards and guidelines, impact of air sealing on indoor air quality, sources of uncontrolled air leakage, airtightness and natural ventilation, airtightness of new and existing housing stock, air change in new and existing housing, impact of air sealing on airtightness and ventilation, indoor air quality in tight houses, impact of occupant behaviour on ventilation, measures to improve indoor air quality, identifying problem houses, indoor pollution control strategies, and ventila

Results of a forty house indoor air pollutant monitoring study.

A study was conducted in 40 homes in the areas of Oak Ridge and West Knoxville, in the summer and winter months, to quantify concentrations of COx, NOx, particulates, formaldehyde, and radon, as well as selected volatile organic compounds. 

Is the indoor climate a health hazard? Sisailmako terveysriski?

Notes the contaminants which may be contained in room air - radon, solvents, tobacco smoke, formaldehyde, dust mites etc. Points out that no definitive threshold values have been established for contaminants representing health hazards. Points out that the reactions of various individuals to them differ widely, determined by a number of factors.

Indoor radon concentrations in public buildings

Indoor radon concentrations have been measured in a 13 year old two story concrete building of the University of Texas at Dallas. Variations of the radon concentration from the basement to the second floor in offices, classrooms, laboratories, storage rooms, corridors and other locations have been measured. Dependence of the above concentrations on the location and ventilation rates have been studied.

Air-to-air heat exchangers for energy efficient ventilation of "tight" structures.

Reducing the air change rate of a house increases the concentration of pollutants in the indoor air. These pollutants are identified and located within the residential structure. Air-to-air heat exchangers are suggested tocontrol ventilation, and the three basic types described.

Field survey of indoor air pollution in residences with suspected combustion related sources

Thirty residences were monitored for nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, respirable suspended particles, and air exchange rate for forty-one one-week periods using integrating samplers. The residences were located in the northwest a

Continuous monitoring in occupied residences of air contaminants from unvented combustion sources

Continuous monitoring of NO, NO2, CO, CO2, and O2 depletion was conducted in 14 residences (13 with kerosene space heaters and one without) in two locations in the residence (room with the heater and bedroom) and outdoors. The continuous monitor
