Program for hand-held computer estimating energy savings from reinsulating houses.

Describes a program which enables a hand-held computer to perform the energy audit calculations used in Building Practice Note No.20 "Estimating energy savings from reinsulating houses". The computer prompts the user for information, and provides a fast and versatile way of performing energy audit calculations.

A detailed investigation of the air infiltration characteristics of two houses.

Describes a 2 year study sponsored by EPRI to ivestigate relationships between energy use, air infiltration and indoor air quality. Uses 2 bi-level, detached houses, identical in design and wind exposure. Continuously monitors parameters related to related to energy use, air infiltration, and indoor air quality.

Determination of energy reduction in retrofitted homes.

Presents the analysis of the effect of energy saving retrofits installed in low-income housing under a nationwide weatherization demonstration program. Weatherization techniques included caulking and weatherstripping, insulation and modification or replacement of heating systems. Two years of pre-retrofit fuel consumption data were analyzed to predict energy usage if the house had not been retrofitted. Energy reduction due to retrofitting was calculated from this. The average saving in fuel consumption for retrofitted dwellings was 30%.

Residential energy use and conservation in Sweden.

Describes energy use in Swedish homes from 1963 to 1980 using data assembled and analysed for the first time. Changes in energy use by fuel and purpose before and after the 1973 oil price rise are illustrated and discussed, and savings in space heating in the year 1980, compared with the pre-embargo period, are quantified.

Air leakage characteristics of window treatment products.

Presents the results of tests on the air leakage characteristics of a number of different energy conservation products applied to a double hung window. Gives air leakage characteristics under simulated in-situ conditions atvarious wind speeds for the different products. Results show that interior shutters perform best, followed by interior storm windows, a reflective shade, quilts and standard window shades. Within a group, products involving perimeter sealing give the best air leakage characteristics.

The responsibility of windows in energy saving retrofit programs.

Presents preliminary results of a demonstration program on energy retrofits of low-cost housing in the Lombardy Region, with particular reference to retrofit of windows. Energy analysis shows that window retrofits can be very cost-effective, particularly when applied in conjunction with ordinary maintenance operations.

Airtightness and ventilation - a feasibility study. Lufttathet och ventilation - program utredning.

Presents a review of work carried out by SCBR concerned with airtightness of buildings and ventilation up to January 1982. Describes important features of building systems and mechanics, ventilation systems and immediate surroundings of importance to ventilation process. Assesses the building physics aspects of ventilation systems for various building categories. Discusses a number of ventilation case studies for detached houses and apartment buildings, and presents existing computer programs for single-cell and multi-cell models.

Seasonal variation in airtightness of two detached houses.

Fan pressurization tests on 2 unoccupied houses have been conducted once every 2 weeks for a period of a year to determine the seasonal variation in air tightness. House no.1 was built with more insulation than is required by the local building

Measured energy savings in swedish homes.

Presents results from an investigation of the effects of different structural and mechanical energy conservation measures in swedish houses. Selects at random houses whose owners have received government grants for energy conserving measures. Compares actual and theoretical savings in the houses forvarious structural modifications. Discusses reasons for variations in savings between houses with the same modifications. Includes a description of thecalculations used to determine savings.

Residential energy conservation

Summarises information from energy audits and post installation inspections conducted as part of the Residential Weatherization Pilot Program, operated by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The BPA offered free home energy audits to identify cost-effective conservation measures to reduce energy forspace and water heating, and zero-interest loans for retrofitting. More than 6000 homes were audited and 4000 loans made. Audit data suggest that annual electricity consumption can be cut by one third at a cost of 2000 dollars (1981 values).
