Matched pair analysis of the influence of weather-stripping on indoor radon concentration in Swiss dwellings.

To quantify the inferred elevated radon concentrations in energy efficient homes caused by lower air infiltration due to airtightness, an attempt was made to eliminate some of the more important conflicting parameters by measuring pairs of adjacent homes i.e. comparing retro-fitted or new houses with a conventional neighbouring dwelling.


Energy conservation in commercial greenhouses operated in cold climates

The primary objective of this paper is to show the distribution of heat losses in prairie commercial greenhouses of various constructions and to suggest and test methods of energy saving. Seventy five percent of the total heat loss is through the roof of a glass greenhouse. This can be significantly reduced by adding an extra layer of polyethylene preferably in the area where lower lightlevels can be tolerated.

Energy use, infiltration, and indoor air quality in tight, well-insulated residences.

Two bi-level houses in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, of identical design and construction were studied to determine the relationships among air exchange, energy consumption, and indoor pollutants. The experimental house was retrofitted and equip

Ventilation research and characterization in three types of residences.

Pacific Power and Light Company and Battelle PNW Laboratories have completed a project which investigated residential ventilation rates. The results presented in the report discuss evaluation of methods used to measure ventilation rates, the behavior of ventilation rates in residences and the comparison of ventilation rates among home construction types. The perfluorocarbon tracer gas decay technique for measuring ventilation rates was concluded to be the best method used during the testing.

Indoor air quality and air exchange in bedrooms.

Natural ventilation rates in bedrooms at night have been measured in retrofitted apartments. The measurements indicate clearly that air quality in bedrooms may be unacceptable in dwellings with an energy-efficient minimal ventilation rate. The air supply rates may be as low as 1 l/s/person in themedian case of bedroom size, ventilation rate and two occupants. The carbon dioxide concentration will reach a level of 4000-4500 ppm in the morning depending on the length of sleeping time in a closed room.

Air sealing homes for energy conservation - second draft. Etancheisation des maisons aux fins de l'economie d'energie - deuxieme version.

Describes air sealing of existing homes by sealants, weatherstripping, air-vapour barriers, and other techniques. Discusses principles of air exchange, moisture movement, air sealing, control of indoor air quality, and combustion air. Identifies procedures for assessing air sealing measures in individual houses. Describes materials for air sealing and their applications.

The effects of re-insulation on 8 houses in Ottawa. A research report.

Experimental measurements have been conducted on eight houses in the Ottawa area to study the changes induced in house performance when loose-fill insulation is installed in walls. The report presents details on the induced changes in furnace performance, house airtightness, temperatures, humidity levels and position of the neutral pressure plane. ECAP (Enhanced Conservation Assistance Program) auditing procedures were applied to the houses, and the predicted fuel consumptions showed a considerable disagreement with actual values.

The effects of re-insulation on some houses in Winnipeg. A research report.

Energy-related variables were monitored in six detached houses in Winnipeg, Manitoba, before and after the houses were retrofitted by re-insulating the exterior walls and ceiling, or walls only, with blown loose-fill glass-fibre or cellulose

Air infiltration energy use and indoor air quality - how are they related?

During a 12 month period, an experimental house (retrofitted, with an air to air heat exchanger) and a control house are being monitored for various infiltration, indoor air quality and energy use parameters.

Vapor barrier paints.

This report addresses the factors causing water vapour problems and provides insights into the solutions available with particular emphasis on vapour barrier paints. Concludes that 1. moisture flow in structures is a dynamic, systemic process of multiple variables, and therefore requires an integrated approach for management, 2. retrofit applications offer an entirely different set of physical and economic considerations than are found in new construction and therefore require a different approach, 3.
