Conversion of exhaust heat to latent heat for the management of the thermal environment in urban areas.

In this paper, the conversion of exhaust heat to latent heat is studied as one of the methods for the preservation of the thermal environment in urban areas. A simulation model of exhaust heat management is composed and applied to the soot-and-smoke emitting facilities in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The effectiveness is estimated by indices of "coefficient of exhaust heat management" and "conversion ratio of exhaust heat to latent heat".

Study on Thermal Comfort of Task-Ambient Air Conditioning System

Task-ambient air conditioning system is one of the systems developed to achieve quality indoor thermal environment and energy conservation simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to find the optimum supply air conditions of floor air outlet required to make thermally comfortable environment in the task area without cold draft. To achieve the purpose were carried out the experiments with subjects, who were allowed to control the supply air volume and the direction of inclined jet according to their tastes.

An Experimental Study on Chair Air Supplying

Displacement ventilation is acknowledged to be an efficient system for the removal of contaminants and excess heat from occupied zones of rooms, this system is aiming at supplying clean undiluted supply-air directly to the zone of occupation. Air flow rate, temperature and the design of the supply device strongly influence the parameters that determine thermal comfort. In the paper, one kind of displacement ventilation systems - ohair air supplying system is investigated.

Theoretical and Field Study of Air Change in Industrial Buildings

The air leakages can have a large impact on heating needs and thermal comfort in industrial buildings. This is sometimes poorly taken into account, both due to the lack of theoretical approach and knowledge of air tightness.

Thermal comfort in chilled ceiling and displacement ventilation environments: vertical radiant temperature asymmetry effects.

The paper presents some of the findings from a broader investigation aimed at determining thermal comfort design conditions for combined chilled ceiling/ displacement ventilation environments. A typical chilled ceiling/ displacement ventilation office has been created within a laboratory test room, in which the ceiling temperature can be varied over a range of typical operating values; the thermal comfort of eight female test subjects was then measured in the test room over the range of ceiling temperatures.

Five Years of Laboratory and In Situ Test Experiences to Verify Thermal Comfort Conditions in an Innovative Hybrid Ventilated Building

Climatisation and natural ventilation concepts are today, in most countries, considered to be an essential aspect of the building project. In fact they are utilised to guarantee summer thermal comfort and indoor air quality control. Also there are many other advantages including low energy use, reduction of noise levels and easy plant maintenance. In recent years the use of hybrid ventilation systems in office buildings has been developed. The achievement of thermal comfort conditions in buildings is an important aim in order to satisfy occupants.

Modelling people.
