A comprehensive computer program for the prediction of air flow and smoke migration in the building was applied to the 11 story administration building of the National Bureau of Standards. Natural air leakage rates under various climatic conditions for several ventilation system operations were obtained. The computed results were compared with measured air leakage rate by using the sulphur hexafluoride tracer gas technique. Smoke migration was simulated for the selected pressurization conditions.

Air Change Measurements Using a Tracer Gas Technique; LOCATION = North America;

The air change rate in a single story office building was measured using atracer gas technique. The air change rate was determined by the rate of decay method using sulfur hexafluoride as the tracer gas. A total of eight tests were conduc

Measurement of a building's infiltration.

The heating of air infiltrating through cracks around doors and windows forms an important part of the heat balance of buildings. The complexity of the problem makes it difficult to calculate. Describes the development of an insitu method for measuring the infiltration of buildings.

Infiltration measurements in naturally ventilated, large multicelled buildings.

Describes validation of a simple technique for infiltration measurement in large, multicelled, naturally ventilated buildings by reference to a computer model study and by field measurements in two naturally ventilated office buildings. The salient features of the technique are: 1) a single tracer gasis used, 2) measurements need only be carried out in part of the building, 3) an initially uniform distribution of tracer is not needed, and 4) artificial mixing of the tracer with the internal air is not essential.

The measurement of airflows using a rapid response tracer gas technique.

The multiple tracer gas technique of I'Anson et al. has been improved, in order to increase the rate at which samples can be taken. Using parallel gas chromatographic separation columns and an electron capture detector, it is now possible to take an air/tracer gas sample every thirty seconds in the case of a two-zone ventilation and air movement test. Rapid sampling enables a new,simplified analysis of the air movement between two connected zones to be employed. This analysis derives ventilation rates and intercell airflows simultaneously.

The users' influence on the air infiltration.

This paper reports on measurements of air change rate in dwellings during occupancy. The occupants were shown to exert a considerable influence on the total air change. The air change rate for occupied dwellings is, on average, 3-4 times greater than the air change rate in sealed dwellings (with air escape valves, doors, windows, and ventilation system closed). The measurements also reveal a tendency for higher air change rates in mechanically ventilated dwellings than in naturally ventilated dwellings.

Interpretation and error analysis of multi-tracer gas measurements to determine air movement in a house.

Although infiltration of outside air across the envelope of a building has been considered of prime interest in relation to energy conservation and indoor air quality, it also important to understand the way in which air moves between zones within a building. A knowledge of the air movement pattern enables the transfer of pollutants or heat to be determined. In order to achieve this, a number of experimental methods have recently been developed, using either single or multiple tracer gases. (See, for instance, references 1,2,6,7,9) .

The ventilation rate and airtightness of the covered public swimming bath at Wetteren. De ventilatie in en de luchtdichtheid van het overdekt gemeentelijk zwembad teWetteren.

Describes the measurement of air change rate and airtightness of a mechanically ventilated public swimming bath in Belgium. The relationship between airtightness and air change rate is outlined. Various methods of calculating the air leakage from the pressurization results are compared. Nitrous oxide was used for the tracer gas measurements, which were made both with and without the mechanical ventilation system working. The LBL model was used to calculate the air infiltration rate.

Completion inspection techniques (energy aspects). Part 2.

This report describes tracer gas measurements and pressurization tests made on two low-cost houses about one year after their construction. The influence of wind speed on the ventilation rate was found to be significant, whereas stack effect was found to have no significant influence. Infiltration rates of 0.24 and 0.34 h-1 were found. These values are very low for Belgian dwellings. A pressurization and depressurization test was performed for each house at pressure differences between 5 and 150 Pa. The ageing effect was found to be quite substantial.

Rapid thermal calibration of houses.

Presents a detailed description of the measurement technique and apparatus used to measure the air change rate in the Spencer St and Linford low-energy houses in Milton Keynes, UK. An automatic air infiltration rig using nitrous oxide tracer gas constant decay was used. Air leakage was also measured by pressurization for the Linford houses and some from the neighbouring Pennyland project.
