Airing a problem

States that current building regulations on ventilation are very inadequate. Describes the Scottish Development Department document The future of building control in Scotland. This proposes a local authority liaison committee with reps from building control and fire services to co-ordinate work on operating building control in Scotland. It also recommends approval of standard house types of different conditions between authorities. Suggests this could usefully be introduced to England and Wales.

Effect of ventilation on passive smoking risk in a model workplace

An estimate of the variation of non smokers' lung cancer risk from passive or involuntary smoking is given as a function of ventilation rate in a typical office, at an occupancy of 7 persons/100m2 as specified under ASHRAE standard 62-1981.

Continuous measurement of air change rate in occupied buildings Boligers luftskifte l brugstilstand

The Department of Building Technology, the Technological Institute of Copenhagen, have for several years been developing equipment for continuous measurement of air infiltration. It enables continuous measurement of air change rate in up to ten rooms, the constant concentration method with tracer gas is used, and the results are recorded on a computer diskette during measurement. Analysis of possible measuring errors show that the method is accurate and to within plus or minus 5%. Shows the results of measurement of air infiltration in 10 relatively airtight dwellings.

Comparative risk of indoor air quality

There have been considerable efforts to estimate risks to health from the present level of indoor air quality. However, there has been comparatively little work to relate these calculated risks to other risks of energy use or conservation, or to determine how large these risks will be in the future. This paper finds that, on the basis of extrapolated trends, risk associated with changes in indoor air quality in the United States. The other two are associated with the expected change to smaller automobiles and the entire coal fuel cycle, from producing electricity to synthetic fuels.

Ventilation in small functional buildings - measurements of air leakage of interior walls Ventilatie in kleine utilitaire gebouwen metingen aan luchtlekken van binnewanden

This is the second part of a study on natural ventilation in functional buildings. Reports the results of 23 measurements on a number of partitions, internal walls and one brick built internal wall. Measurements were made in 4 buildings. For the largest leakages measured in these 4 buildings, a strong influence was observed on the ventilation of neighbouring rooms. The opening of a window in a room has notable consequences on the ventilation and air flow in the other rooms. The measured air leakages ranged from 0038 to 0.068 m2 for a wall and .0131 -.0529 m2 for a room.

Ventilation investigation in large buildings

After a brief treatment of the ideas and aspects that play a role in ventilation, gives a general outline of chosen investigation methods, with a concise review of apparatus and calculation models used. Presents a review of the ventilation investigations carried out by IMG-TNO during the last 10 years in factories, labs, hospitals, auction halls etc.

Concentrations of formaldehyde in modern dwellings with low ventilation rates.

Briefly deals with Finnish research into formaldehyde concentrations in modern dwellings. Describes materials and methods used by the Institute of Occupational Health in Finland to measure formaldehyde concentrations in more than 100 dwellings. Ventilation rates have also been measured in 35 rooms in 20 dwellings, and 46% have been below the minimum acceptable value of 0.5 ach.Where the ventilation rate exceeded 0.5 ach only 9% of the measured HCHO concentrations exceeded the limit value for old houses.

Timber frame construction and interstitial condensation.

States that the higher internal humidity and lower structural temperatures in UK timber frame houses, as compared to the US and central Europe increases the risk of interstitial condensation. Condensation risk has also increased in all countries because of energy conservation measures and changes in heating patterns, occupation density and moisture production. Gives recommendations for the prevention of interstitial condensation.

Air infiltration, air quality and ventilation research in Finnish buildings - general survey.

Describes research work in Finland concerning air infiltration and ventilation in buildings from 1979. Types of ventilation system in finnish houses, flats and other buildings are discussed. Reports on a model developed to predict the correlation between various factors and air infiltration. Gives a summary of pressure test measurements carried out in a few hundred small houses, and presents proposals for recommended airtightness levels in new buildings. Describes warm air heating systems, heat recovery systems in flats, and maintenance problems with ventilation systems.

The mysterious villain of wood adhesives.

Discusses the problem of formaldehyde emissions from UF resins used in particle board in North America. Describes tests done by Forintek Canada Corp to monitor formaldehyde emission. One of the experiments involves a test chamber with a controlled air change rate and designed to imitate domestic conditions. Air samples are withdrawn from the chamber through impingers containing distilled water which is analyzed for formaldehyde content. Also describes the 'Dessicator' and 'Perforator' methods of measuring formaldehyde emission.
