States that with double and triple glazed windows the air flow through the joints reduces the transmission heat flux. This has the effect of lowering the heat load and in particular the annual heat energy demand. The same phenomenon occurs when the windows are covered with shutters at night. Provides calculation equations.
Describes the housing development comprising 224 apartments in three courtyards built in 1908. Provides a detailed description of the thermal modernisation measures and their monitoring from 1974 to 1982, permitting the systematic observation of the situation before, during and after modernisation. The present report concentrates on the measurements carried out from June 1980 to the end of May 1982. Four of the apartment buildings each containing 10 apartments were treated as test buildings with experimental energy conserving installations and constructional measures.
Wind pressures on three Navy buildings at the Kanehoe Marine Corp Air Station, Hawaii were measured. Indoor and outdoor variables were also measured including temperature, dry bulb, wet bulb, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. Pressure measurements were carried out using Validyne DP103 pressure transducers, and a static pressure probe. Natural ventilation is estimated 1. by combining window areas and pressure coefficients with wind speed and 2. using the LBL infiltration model.
Shows the results of a study of the effects of turbulence upon ventilation. Controlled fluctuating air flows were directed upon openings in the side of acube simulating a building. The relationship between the turbulent characteristics of the air flow and the ventilation rate in the building modeare examined. Mean windspeed and the turbulent velocity and intensity of the air flow were measured with a thermocoupled anemometer. Resulting ventilation rates were measured by means of tracer gas decay, using CO2 as the tracer and an infra red analyser to monitor the decrease in concentration.
Discusses the symptoms and compaints of the occupants of unhealthy buildings. Compares the availability and sensitivity of building sensors to human sensitivity for the full fange of indoor air contaminants. Refers to the difficulty of assessing pollution using occupant questionnaires. A simple equation for determining contaminant concentration is presented and ventilation standards are discussed.
Sources of radon and the high levels of radon in many locations and building materials in Sweden are considered. Improvements in energy conservation through the reduction of ventilation rate have lead to very high levels of radon over 1000 BqRnD/m3 in some houses. Recommendations on acceptable levels of gamma radiation on building sites and radon concentration in dwellings are given. It is estimated that there are 30-40,000 dwellings over the Swedish recommended limit of 400 BqRnD/m3 requiring modification.
Air leaks which can bypass attic insulation in US wood framed houses are identified. Examples of heat loss paths include gaps at the entry of plumbing, heating or cooling ducts and electrics gaps around flues, and trapdoors. Remedial measures discussed include stuffing gaps with fibreglass, weatherstripping, taping polythene sheet over gaps, sealing and insulating ducts, and covering ceiling fan vents during the winter.
A livestock building for 30 cows in loose housing was constructed in 1982. In the cow stable natural ventilation is provided through openings along the eaves. New types of inlets and outllets have been designed for natural ventilation systems. The regulation system for the air flow rate is a modified P-type regulator. Using timesharing of the regulation function, the inlet areas can be regulated in groups by means of four different temperature sensors in the building.
Describes expectations people have of indoor climate. Notes that the quality of indoor climate has often taken second place to fashionable architectural and material considerations. Refers to concern for improved environment and awareness of formaldehyde, radon and other pollutants and the need for correct ventilation to achieve derived air quality. Proves guidelines for air quality and the thermal indoor climate in both housing and working premises.
Individual mathematical models for formaldehyde concentrations in each of 3 normal rooms in a single family house is used to estimate ventilation rates needed to maintain formaldehyde concentration below the recommended Danish indoor standard (0.15 mg/m3). In an initial period after the house was finished a ventilation rate more than 10x the recommended Scandinavian maximum value (0.5 ach) was needed to keep the concentration below the indoor standard.