It is only recently that indoor air pollution has begun to attract the attention it deserves in Canadian Governmental and Building code circles. Two main events have been catalytic towards this increased emphasis. First, the ban on the use of ur
A table is given which compares the performance, construction and function of the various types of window treatment. Aspects covered include sun control, thermal insulation, infiltration barrier, security and privacy, control by static, movab
Describes methods of predicting concentration levels of indoor air pollution in a variety of residences by using residence air infiltration rates, residence volumes, and source terms, and by making assumptions about occupant lifestyle and poll
During the last fifteen years Urea-Formaldehyde (UF) bonded particle board, medium density fiberboard and plywood have replaced whole wood as a construction material for flooring, wall panelling cabinet work and furniture. At the same time,
The use of urea formaldehyde resins in Canadian houses, the mechanism of formaldehyde releases, health effects, toxicity, carginogenicity, allergic reactions and standards for ventilation are discussed.
The quantity of air in several rooms lying in a stack connected by means of fresh air and exhaust air ducts is considered as a simple model of amultistorey building. Negative pressures set up within the rooms can be equalised by adjusting the
Spatio-temporal measurements of a fluctuating pressure field acting on the side faces of a square prism of finite height in boundary-layer flows are presented for a zero degree angle of attack. Two typical neutral atmospheric flow conditions
Results of air quality measurements are presented for a group of low-leakage houses located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A total of 46 houses were tested for formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, radon, and humidity levels. The median level of formalde
In response to employee complaints of upper respiratory and eye irritation, formaldehyde air sampling studies were conducted in two different office environments. The first was in a series of temporary modular buildings with construction simi
A microprocessor-controlled, five point, all-teflon sequential air sampling system interfaced to a continuous formaldehyde analyser, the CEA model TGM 555 Air Monitor which uses the pararosaniline colorimetric method was used tomeasure the seaso