Exposure of the Swedish population to radon daughters

Three different investigations of radon in Swedish dwellings are presented - a nationwide study conducted primarily to determine the collective dose to the Swedish population from exposure to radon and radon daughter, a supplementary study of newly built detached houses in order to find out whether theregulations in the Building Code prescribes acceptable radon levels in new houses built on normal ground, and measurements made by the local authorities in order to find houses with levels of radon daughters above the norm.

Transport of radon from soil into residences

To develop effective monitoring and control programs for indoor radon it is important to understand the causes of the broad range of concentrations that have been observed. Measurements of indoor radon concentration and air-exchange rate in dwellings in several countries indicate that this variability arises largely from differences among structures in the rate of radon entry.

The effect of tracer gas on the accuracy of air change measurements in buildings

Compares the air change rates measured using the decay method with several different tracer gases. The tracer gas measurements were conducted in atightly sealed room where constant air leakage rates, ranging from 0.05 to 1 air change per hour could be maintained using an exhaust fan. The tracer gases investigated were CH4, CO, CO2, N2O and SF6. The agreement between tracer gas measurements and measured flow rates of the exhaust fan was very good for CH4, CO and N2O.

Volatile organic levels in indoor air

Volatile organic chemicals in indoor air of a home-for-the-elderly and a new local government office building were identified and quantified using Texax GCR samplers and capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. Over three hundred chemicals were tentatively identified in indoor air of thehome-for-the-elderly. Comparison of night-day levels were made. The new office building was also part of a longitudinal study which revealed a rapid decrease in levels with time for some chemicals (after completion) while others increased.

Research-designed low-energy house

Treats a research study by the Danish Building Research Institute to develop a comprehensive set of design details for the use of bricks in a highly insulated cavity wall and building methods that could easily be followed by contractors. Illustrates photographically and describes the detached house which resulted from the project. Illustrates structural details diagrammatically. The energy consumption of the house is less than a quarter of older houses of similar size. Explains the design details to avoid thermalbridges and the application of modular coordination.

Domestic ventilation - an international comparison Beluftung von Wohneinheiten im internationalen Vergleich

Compares in tables international requirements for housing regarding ventilation requirements of the entire dwelling, plus kitchen, bathrooms and W.C.s, living rooms and bedrooms. Discusses them. Examines the efficiency of ventilation openings and the requirements made on them. Discusses air flow through a house and the effect of wind forces. Notes how effective pressure difference is affected by the distribution of joints and air leaks.

Weatherstripping - The cost effective way of improving the insulation package.

Adduces the economic advantages of weatherstripping for energy conservation, performance criteria and future developments in materials and fixings. Mentions the advantageous psychological response of personnel. Describes the factors influencing performance - window section, location of seal andinstallation method. Briefly describes the work of the Draughtproofing Advisory Association (DAA). Refers to BS 4315 and demonstrates need for new standards based on air flow measurement round total opening perimeter.

Controlling indoor air pollution from tobacco smoke - models and measurements

Examines the effects of smoking rate, ventilation, surface deposition, and air cleaning on the indoor concentrations of respirable particulate matter and carbon monoxide generated by cigarette smoke. A general mass balance model is presented which has been extended to include the concept of ventilation efficiency. Following a review of the source and removal terms associated with respirable particulates and carbon monoxide, we compare model predictions to various health guidelines.

Indoor air pollutants in perspective

The problem of indoor air pollution has many facets, ranging from excess humidity, mould and insects over emissions from gas boilers to high levels of various chemicals in tight buildings. The common denominator of all these problems is the existence of several sources of pollution inside a volume of relatively low dissipative capacity. Where the resulting concentration from a single substance exceeds an already established hygienic standard regulatory measures are straightforward. Assessing the risk of several substances being present at the same time is still difficult.

Radon emission - from materials or the ground?

The problem of radon emission in buildings first came to light at the end of the 1970s, when a report by the Swedish National Institute of Radiation Protection revealed high radon daughter concentrations in some houses. Temporary limits on permitted concentrations in different types of dwellings were imposed in Sweden. They were related to the age of dwellings, due to the known historical use of alum shale in lightweight concrete.
