The incidence of asthma and allergy has increased throughout the developed world over the past 30-50years, roughly the same time period that exposure to phthalates has increased. An ongoing study inSweden, Damp Buildings and Health, showed associations between asthma anddi(2-ethyl-hexyl)-phthalate concentration in dust and between eczema and rhinitis andbutylbenzyl-phthalate.
To examine present situation of energy consumption, an extensive survey was carried out as a projectof Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ). More than 80 houses that were typical to the present Japanesehousing sector were chosen nationwide. As a part of this project, we measured the energyconsumption of 13 houses in Kansai region. The annual energy consumption in these13 houses rangesfrom 30 to 70 GJ from April 2003 to March 2004.
The wind pressure coefficient is the basic driving force of wind-induced natural ventilation. The windvelocity along the building wall is also important for wind environment in balcony (veranda) or windowsand is the moment of inertia for the air flowing into rooms. These two values of the five-storiedapartment building with/without veranda were measured by wind tunnel test using scaled model. Theexperimental conditions are the faade type, the shape of veranda and wind direction.
In most conditions, the excess heat of exhaust water discharged from household or publicbathing-rooms is mostly not utilized, which causes a lot heat loss for its higher temperature. For thisreason, it is suggested that a heat pump that uses the exhaust water as a low-temperature heat sourceshould be used to reclaim its excess heat to produce sanitary hot water for the public bathing-rooms. Inthis way, we call the above-mentioned heat pump as bathing room heat pump water heater.
Since 1970s, kinds of condensing boilers (CB) have been widely applied in HVAC engineering, theirexit flue gas temperature is very lower, even down to about 40?-45?, and their thermal efficiency isvery higher, even up to about 107%~109%, based on low heat value. The application of CBs in HVACsystem or hot water supply system can increase thermal efficiency and reduce the consumption of fuel,because of the utilization of latent heat of vapour in the exit flue gas.
For reduction of Green house Gas emission, Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEFC) ispromoted by the government in Japan as more efficient co-generation system(CGS). On this study forthe purpose of finding the efficient energy supply system with PEFC in the apartment house, first theauthor proposed PEFC Apartment House as more efficient system than the current one (boiler andelectric power), which consists of PEFC-CGS, thermal storage tanks, power network and managementsystem.
This paper summarizes two sets of activities that were undertaken in a Subtask on “Indoor Boundary Conditions”, as part of the International Energy Agency Annex 41. Field monitoring in Europe, Scandinavia and Canada provided new information on moisture ex
In buildings growing conditions for mould fungi can occur and cause fungus infestation. Therefore,consequent measures have to be taken to avoid health dangers that come from mould fungi inbuildings. In order to avoid the mould fungus formation, a strategy has to be set up that focuses on thegrowth conditions for mould fungi. While in Germany only relative humidity is used as an assessmentcriterion for mould growth risk, more and more measured isopleths are used abroad.
This study was performed to investigate an influence of ventilation rate change on the level of aerialcontaminants in the confinement pig building. There was not significant difference in total dust and totalairborne microorganisms among three levels of ventilation rate (p>0.05) whereas the increasedventilation rate lowered the levels of respirable dust and gaseous compounds (p
Increase in high-rise residential building has changed the envelope of residential building to aluminumcurtain wall which requires the use of the single-sided ventilation to be used instead of the crossventilation. It causes dissatisfaction mainly with indoor air velocity and ventilation volume. Therefore,the objective of this study is to improve the natural ventilation performance of high-rise residentialbuilding by opening design. To improve the natural ventilation performance in single skin faade, theeffect of different types of window will be evaluated.