Indoor ozone has received attention because of its well-documented adverse effects on health. Inaddition to the inherently harmful effects of ozone, it can also initiate a series of reactions that generatepotentially irritating oxidation products, including free radicals, aldehydes, organic acids and secondaryorganic aerosols (SOA). The overarching goal of this work was to better understand ozone and terpenedistributions within rooms. Towards this end, the paper has two parts.
In 2000, the domestic greenhouse gas emission in Japan was 1332 million tons of CO2, whichincreased by 8% in comparison with that of 1990. According to the Kyoto Protocol to the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change (COP3) held in December, 1997, Japan is obliged toreduce CO2 by 6%, compared with 1990. As a result, Japan is required to reduce by 14% (172 milliontons) on average during the period between 2008 and 2012. Particularly the emission in theresidential/commercial sector in 2000 was on the increase by 21.3%, compared with that of 1990.
We already have had theoretical model to predict temperature and humidity variations in a room. Manyworks have estimated the accuracy of the numerical model, but they might be influenced by the airmovement. Thus, theoretically the temperature and humidity variations should be solved with airmovement in a room. In this paper, I calculated the minute temperature and moisture distributions in aroom which has the moisture buffering effects by the porous walls. The room space is regarded asrectangular box which has two hole, inlet and outlet for ventilation.
Energy conservation is one of the key issues for environmental protection and sustainabledevelopment. Currently, about 17% of the total energy is being consumed for heating, ventilation, airconditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration in Hong Kong. Therefore, energy saving in the HVAC systemsof buildings is an important topic. In this paper, a study on the energy saving in a hotel HVAC systemwas carried out. The cooling load features of the hotel were analyzed. Retrofitting strategy of theHVAC system in the hotel was then designed.
A group of 2-story detached houses is built next to a river stretching from south to north. There aremore than hundreds of houses, called the riverside townhouses in this study, in the construction site. Acoupled simulation of convection, radiation and conduction is conducted to evaluate the outdoorthermal environment from the viewpoint of building arrangement. According to the real weather data,two different wind directions (SSE and ENE) are examined.
This study presents a multi-objective optimum design method for reliable indoor humidity environmentsbased on the appropriate use of moisture-conditioning materials. In this paper, (1) a transient predictionof indoor air temperature and humidity in a model living room is developed by employing indices for thecontribution ratio of indoor climate (CRI(C)) and contribution ratio of indoor humidity (CRI(H)), and (2) anoptimal design method is developed using multi-objective genetic algorithms (MOGA) and the transientprediction above.
A successful Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) surveillance plan is essential for healthy and safe workplaces;yet it is costly to sample all air pollutants of the entire community. In Hong Kong, a voluntary IAQcertification scheme for workplaces proposes the acceptable concentration levels of nine commonindoor air pollutants, namely carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), respirable suspendedparticulates (RSP), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), formaldehyde (HCHO), total volatile organiccompounds (TVOC), radon (Rn) and airborne bacteria count (ABC).
By natural ventilation, the air rate varies randomly. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the naturalventilation performance due to insufficient measured data. In the present work a complex office buildingwas taken as a study object for the experimental investigation. A measurement technology isdeveloped in this work for the assessment of the natural ventilation performance in the building.
The distribution of indoor airflow velocity by cross ventilation is influenced by the regional climateconditions, and the location as well as the shape of the building. In this study, CVDHI of 25 cases tochange the number and position of openings at 842 cities in Japan are calculated for the simple housemodel. The results indicate that CVDHI increases relatively in every case from the south to the north ofJapan.
This study aims to understand chemical air pollution and its influence on students and staff in auniversity building that had been under renovation for 2 years. Occupants had to move into their newrooms immediately after the renovation work was completed and so could have been exposed tochemical pollutants emitted from architectural materials.We conducted chamber testing to obtain chemical emission rates from interior use materials; whichwere the ones used for the actual work in the university building.