This paper describes field experiments and numerical simulations on hybrid utilization of renewableenergy and polymer electrolyte fuel cells for a residential energy system. It presents the results ofempirical testing and evaluation of hybrid utilization involving solar energy. First, field experiments wereconducted on an electric power and domestic hot water supply system that uses both solar energy andfuel cells on sunny days in Sapporo. The system achieved a 46.6% reduction in primary energyconsumption compared with conventional systems.
The purpose of this study is to develop an optical measurement method of particles on a flat surfacefor evaluating particle removal performance of air-jet by nozzles in the cleanroom. Glass beads areselected for the test aerosol and they are adhered on test surfaces of Si wafer as witness plate.Authors developed new optical measuring system using Ar laser and surface particles are measuredby the system and also a surface particle counter for Si wafer. The experimental survey is conductedfor 14 types of nozzles and 30 different conditions.
Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) tests have been carried out for toluene adsorbed on the TiO2/ACFcatalyst in an environmental condition controlled chamber. TiO2/ACF catalyst was made andcharacterized by N2 adsorption isotherm for pore structure and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) formorphology respectively.
Design of cooling and heating sources of HVAC system is one of the main parts of green buildingdesign, as well as one of key measures to improve building energy efficiency and reduce environmentalimpact. In this paper, a LCA model for building cooling and heating source system is put forward and anintegrated index is given to describe the total environmental impact including energy consumption,resources consumption and pollutant emission through building life, in order to guide the design ofbuilding energy system.
Supermarket is common in China because of its convenience and abundant merchandise. People insupermarket can be classified into two categories: clients and operators. This research measures thetemperature and relative humidity of four supermarkets to describe the indoor thermal environment,investigates the satisfactory degree of clients and operators on the indoor environment, and analysesthe reasons of dissatisfaction.
Variation of discharge coefficients with wind direction and opening position is one of the main factorsdebasing accuracy of cross-ventilation flow rate prediction. The local dynamic similarity model wasdeveloped to solve this problem, and previous studies had validated it for inflow openings. In thepresent study, two experiments were carried out to investigate its validity for outflow openings.
Korean residential buildings have been airtight due to the energy economization plan since 1970’s energy crisis. As a result of this, the residential buildings have faced lack of ventilation and resulted in poor indoor air quality of buildings. In additio
Increase of energy consumption and deforestation within cities has already begun raising average urbantemperature: this phenomenon is called urban heat island (UHL). A phenomenon in which there is aconsistent increase in urban air temperature and a decrease in the relative humidity as compare to ruralareas. Generally, research on this topic has been based on observational, theoretical and modelingapproaches.
As a series of our research on energy conservation and thermal comfort of detached houses havingcentralized HVAC systems, sensitivity analysis on feasibility of space cooling with outdoor air wasconducted using Design of Experiment(DOE). Effects of varied parameters on building thermal loadwere examined for five cities such as Tokyo and Osaka that have different weather conditions within themilder climate area of Japan.
District Heating and Cooling system (DHC) is an efficient energy system as they can supply chilled andheating water/steam effectively by integrating heating and cooling demand of neighboring buildings.However, there is possibility for further improvement of energy efficiency by integrated operation ofadjacent DHC and utilizing waste heat from municipal incinerators and CHPs. In this study, the effect ofsuch flexible use of heat and electricity in integrated DHC systems is examined. The main object is toraise total thermal efficiency and reduce CO2 emission.