In this paper, the indoor environmental quality for the commuter train space was analyzed for assumingthe load factor of seat capacity to be a parameter of analysis. Especially flow fields, temperature and airquality distributions in vehicle space were analyzed by using CFD technique. Furthermore, it reports onthe result of examining the controllability of indoor climate in the vehicle when the displacementventilation system was applied in it.
This study aims to investigate and clarify the effects of roadside trees and moving automobiles onoutdoor airflow distribution, turbulent diffusion of air pollutants and thermal environment within streetcanyons by means of the results obtained from field measurements in the central part of Sendai city,Japan. The detailed field measurements were carried out in the summer of 2006, at two streets withdifferent densities of roadside trees and traffic volume. The microclimate and NOX concentrations as wellas traffic volume were measured.
Assumptions of productivity costs related to the outdoor supply airflow rate and indoor temperature canbe made based on a number of recent studies. A life cycle cost (LCC) computer program for indoorclimate systems based on Swedish conditions was developed and used to compare and optimizedifferent indoor climate systems. A productivity cost related to the outdoor supply airflow rate and theindoor temperature according to the recent studies was assumed.
The present paper deals with modeling of various low-exergy system components and their integrationinto the energy system for buildings and small communities. The exergy content of a certain amount ofenergy is defined as the part of this energy that can be used to produce mechanical energy. The qualityof a certain amount of energy is defined as the relative exergy content of this energy. Most of ourbuildings with their heating and cooling systems today are built for conversion of high quality energysources to low quality use with a huge destruction of the available exergy as a result.
Even in relatively warm areas in Japan, frost damage of roof tiles occurs. In the field of material scienceand technology, the mechanism of frost damage has been investigated. In this study, frost damage toroof tiles is considered from a thermal point of view. A temperature drop due to nocturnal radiation isestimated as one of the most important factors. The influences on the temperature profiles areexamined by numerical analysis. Next, an accelerated aging test for roof tiles and a numerical analysisof the test are carried out.
The purpose of this study is to determine how levels of indoor air quality vary in elementary schools insouthern Japan. This study is based on field monitoring carried out both as short-time summermeasurements?Measurement I?and intermittent monitoring from summer to winter (Measurement II).The concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were measured in nineteen classrooms inKagoshima City. The measurements also include carbon dioxide (CO2) and the air change rate inselected four classrooms for Measurement II.
The previous paper (Part 1) proposed the concept of "equivalent material age" that uses the Arrheniusrelation and explained a method for long-term prediction of indoor volatile organic compound (VOC)concentration considering temperature dependence. This paper first describes the experimentconducted to validate the long-term concentration formula and the results of the experiment and reportson a comparison of the measured values obtained with the predicted values. The experiment wasconducted by a method conforming to JIS A1901:2003. The material measured was formaldehyde.
In recent years, volatile organic compounds have caused chemical sensitivity by increasing indoor airpollutant concentrations. In order to solve the problem, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare ofJapanese Government established the guideline values for indoor air concentrations for 13 compounds,such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, toluene and so on.
This research clearly shows unpleasant odors in hospitals, with the goal of obtaining the basicinformation needed for formulating measures to control such odors. In the study, we conducted asurvey of the odor awareness of nursing staff members at 174 medical institutions, and compared theresults with past research related to odors in nursing homes for the elderly. 88.5% of the nurses sensedodors in hospitals. 81.0% considered it a problem and 67.2% recognized a need for improvement. Themost odorous places included sickrooms, sick wards, sanitary rooms, and lavatories.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual conditions of the energy consumption of varioustypes of inhabited houses (e.g., wooden detached houses and condominiums) in the Niigata area. Afield survey was carried out from November 2002 to March 2005, and the energy consumption levelsfor the various uses were measured continuously. This paper describes the energy consumptions of alluses (e.g., electricity, oil, gas) in the house types.