Much of the analysis of the potential to save energy and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in thebuildings sector has focused on the energy savings that can be achieved through incrementalimprovements in the efficiency of individual energy-using devices (motors, fans, pumps, boilers,chillers) but without changing the way in which they are put together as systems. However, muchlarger savings are possible through changes in building systems, and further, these savings can beachieved at much smaller incremental investment cost and sometimes at lower first cost.
In 2002, the indoor environment and occupant health of approximately 800 residential buildings wereinvestigated by a questionnaire. As a result, the actual conditions of the indoor thermal environmentand the indoor air quality have been clarified, and several problems related to dampness in buildings,have been grasped. This report focuses on child health problems related to the indoor environment,especially dampness.
In this study, five different types of smoking spaces and non-smoking spaces were investigated in orderto discuss about tobacco odor leakage from smoking area. VVOCs, VOCs and aledehydes wereanalyzed for characterization of odor. Additionally, the isolation result has been identified bydetermining ETS markers (nicotine and 3-ethenylpridine) based on ISO1845.Determined compounds were quantified and categorized into 13 groups, concentration between thesmoking space and non-smoking space was compared. In the most case, the concentration innon-smoking space was lower than smoking space.
Air Quality at the height of skyscraper has not almost been cleared yet. Upper part of dwellings of tallbuildings at down town might intake inadequate outdoor air.
The purpose of this investigation is to know the long term characteristics of VOC concentrations inhouses built before the building code in 2003 and to know the need of the countermeasures in thehouses were already built for example the improvement of the living habit, ventilation and buildingmaterials. The concentrations of VOCs were measured in these houses from 2000 to 2005. The resultsshowed that the concentration of formaldehyde decreased in the first year. After that the decline of theconcentration became invisible and the concentration changed only with the temperature.
Air conditioning in offices has become current practice in North Western Europe. Main reasons are thehigh internal loads and solar gains. That move away from the heated, naturally ventilated cellularoffice increased comfort complaints.Two cases are presented, confronting enquiry results with measurements. In both, the enquiries gavea number of dissatisfied at the noted mean vote much higher than the standard PMV/PPD curvesuggests. Measurements in turn showed that only in one of the two case complaints could beexpected.
The EPBD requires EU Member States to have legislation on Energy Performance of Buildings. Tosupport this a mandate was given to CEN (the European Standard Organisation) to produce thenecessary standards to support the implementation of the EPBD in the EU Member States. Thispaper gives an overview of the standards as they have been developed under the EU Mandate toCEN. It also gives some information on the interrelation of these standards. Also some information onCEN standardisation work is given.
The investigation was conducted to investigate the relationship between thermal conditions andindoor air quality during summer in a new unit-type nursing home. Almost all occupants in the nursinghome spend the daytime in the nursing homes common space area. We set out to examine how theindoor environment changes and what influence the thermal environment has on odor, and thereforetook readings in the common space for room temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentration andodor levels.
In this paper, the experiment for moisture buffering and effect of ventilation rate and volume rate of thehygrothermal materials is described. The objective of the experiment is to make clear the relationshipsbetween the moisture buffering effect and, the ventilation and volume rates of the hygrothermalmaterials. In the experiment, a layer of gypsum board as hygrothermal materials is placed on theinterior surface of the test chamber (4.60 m3). This chamber is located in the climate room which cancontrol constant temperature and humidity level (20oC and 50%rh).
In Hungary from the total energy consumption of the country 30% is caused by the heating, ventilationand air conditioning systems of buildings. The energy saving and environment protection possibilities inthe building sector are permanently flared due to the development of building industry, newsub-systems and materials of buildings and HVAC systems. Exploiting the advantages of buildinginformatics and building survey systems significant reduction of the energy consumption can beobtained.