Thermal inertia mass of building envelopes design to be adapted to a local climate

This work is based on an extended research from a doctorate thesis developed in a partnership between Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Brazil and INSA of Lyon, Thermal Centre of Lyon, Building Physics Team (CETHIL/ETB) in France. The purpose is to examine the envelope building design considering the outside microclimate to achieve a comfortable indoor climate. The context of exterior climatic features and site location are considered, taking in account an indoor discomfort sequence over a typical warm season.

Simulation of clear, cloudy and intermediate skies by lightscape: Results of tests

In this paper we present a procedure to test software ability to describe daylight sources. The method will be applied to Lightscape release 3.2 [1]. The results have been achieved independently from the software developers comparing software results with analytical solutions. The tests deal with: a) definition of the algorithms used to represents different skies; b) influence of sun position; c) ground reflection management. Finally suggestions on how to use Lightscape in your daylight design are given.

Use of IEA-SHC Task 21 C Benchmarks to assess performance of lightscape 3.2 in daylight calculations

In this paper, we use the validation test cases initialized within the subtask C, "Daylight design tools", of IEA SHC Task 21, "Daylight in buildings" to assess the accuracy of a commercial lighting software, Lightscape 3.2. We first analyzed the applicability and the limitations of the IEA 21 test cases, and we concluded some directives for validation test cases in order to guaranty its applicability to assess any lighting software.

The validation of a model for the energy performances of double facades

Various types of double façades can be distinguished. In earlier work a simple simulation model for the energy performance of double facades is developed. In this paper the problem of modelling a half-open sunshade between sheets is discussed. An extensiv

Simulation of dynamic envelope components through System Identification procedures

Together with the definition of innovative plant and envelope technological solutions for buildings, many simulation tools (models) have been developed to make the design choices easier. However the definition of analytical structures able to describe the characteristics of building components installed under real conditions is still difficult. The paper presents some experiences made by ITC. They have been carried out by using System Identification techniques to simulate and predict the performances of various components analysed also through experimental campaigns under real conditions.

Renewable Energies in Energy Performance: Calculation for Buildings

This paper discusses the status of standards and regulations concerning performance calculationmethods for renewable energies systems in the built environment. The outcome of a European wideinquiry on this topic, carried out in the frame of the European project on Energy Performance Regulations (EnPeR) will be presented. In addition an overview is given of the renewable energiessystems that are considered under these regulations and the consequences of the new EnergyPerformance Directive.

Reflected sunlight in urban canyons. Towards a new approach

In urban canyons reflected sunlight can play an important role in the illumination of buildings, particularly in orientations and during times of the day where sunlight is not incident on the windows. Facing buildings provide considerable obstruction to daylight by reducing the skylight contribution and sometimes blocking the access to sunlight. However, reflected sunlight is an important contribution to the internal illuminance of a room and should not be underestimated.

Quality assurance in PASLINK tests

The operation of an outdoor test site requires very substantial efforts with respect to investments, maintenance, calibration and training staff. The existing documents dealing with quality procedures in principle guarantee that a good quality level is achieved at all test sites. This paper describes the existing quality manuals and the software tool PASLINKIT developed in the scope of IQ-TEST Thematic Network to make all this pertinent quality documents more practicable and feasible.

Promoting renewable energy in building regulations: Confronting theory and practice

The European Commission has expressed the wish to harmonize energy regulations in the building sector and at the same time has formulated goals for promoting the use of renewable energy sources. This paper studied the possible synergy of these two targets. To make a first step in this research topic renewable energy techniques are considered as environmental innovations for which incentives, being a public good, is dependent on governmental intervention, like energy policy instruments.

Prediction of the impact of building design parameters on the thermal behaviour of a building in the early design stage

The thermal performance of a building depends on a number of building design parameters. Development of ‘energy efficient building concepts’ therefore requires insight in the here mentioned interrelation. In the recent past many advanced simulation tools
