Optimization of a sun-breaker envelope from an CAD software inverse approach

People employed in building offices have new needs in terms of comfort at the working place. To satisfy these needs, it is necessary that architects check carefully the efficiency of the corresponding new systems that they conceive in order to improve these people working conditions. This study shows that it is possible to optimize the sizing up of the different elements of an office cell front (envelope) containing, in addition to the glass wall, sun-breaker strips and an electrochromic protection. For that purpose, the inverse simulation technique was used thanks to several programs.

On-line energy services for smart homes

The EC funded ‘SmartHomes’ project commenced in 2001 as a 3 year programme. The primary objective is to establish Internet-based energy services and test these within field trials in Sweden, Greece, the Czech Republic and the UK. The tasks include the pro

IQ-test - Improving quality in testing and evaluation of solar and thermal characteristics of building components

IQ-Test is a Thematic Network supported by the European Community under the EESD Programme.The objective of IQ-TEST is to further develop common quality procedures for the PASSYS/PASLINK test cell facilities that exist in 12 European countries. This should consolidate thenetwork, integrate the new test sites and strengthen its common approach of support for new product developments in the field of innovative building components.Round robin tests are underway to assess both the inter-site quality of testing and analytical procedures of the participants.

Hot-box tests for building envelope condensation assessment

A common architectural feature of curtain wall facades is constituted by a transparent double-glazing unit mounted in front of a recessed interior metal panel. It is typically installed in spandrel areas, where its required to provide to the faade not only surface consistency but also depth.To evaluate condensation risk on this type of envelope element, an experimental program has being carried out on a typical facade panel (Shadow-box) provided by Permasteelisa.

Goniospectrophotometric characterisation of advanced daylighting materials

Advanced daylighting strategies and systems can considerably reduce a building’s electricity consumption and also significantly improve the quality of light in an indoor environment. The prediction of these improvements requires good models of glazing pro

From optical performances characterization of a redirecting daylight material to daylighting simulations

The optical performance of redirecting daylight materials under given outdoor illumination conditions is characterized by mean of virtual goniophotometry, and results are expressed as light source equivalent distributions that can be then used as input to daylighting simulations. Such a concept has been practically applied to the SerraGlaze product and will be extended with real case experiment.

Comparison of new Slovene regulation "Thermal Protection and Efficient Use of Energy in Buildings" with EnEV

In the framework of harmonisation of the Slovene legislation with the European, in 1995 the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Slovenia began with the preparation of new Slovene standards and regulations. In the first phase adopting of a whole range of standards was planned. In the second phase, which is presently running, the preparation and adopting of regulations has to be completed.

Application of genetic algorithms to adapt an energy efficient shading device controller to the user wishes

In order to improve the user acceptance of an automatic shading device controller, user wishes concerning the blind position are learned and integrated in the automatic controller through an innovative adaptation system developed with the use of Genetic Algorithms. Simulations with virtual users have shown learning and anticipating capabilities of the system. This paper explains in detail the adaptation process and shows one typical example of simulation results.

An user-friendly computer program to predict in early stages of project the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of buildings under tropical climate conditions

In a building, energy consumption and user’s comfort are directly related to its thermal performance. In early stages of building design, architects do not have enough input data to perform precise calculations. Anyway, due to the importance of the initia

How to make indoor air quality one hundred times better while saving energy ?

Dissatisfaction with the indoor environment in many buildings occurs even when existing ventilation standards and guidelines are met. Recent studies have demonstrated that mediocre IAQ has a negative impact on the productivity of office workers. In this paper, four methods are suggested aiming at satisfying the most sensitive persons in their right to healthy indoor air while saving energy consumption
