Hydronic radiator heating with thermostatic valves: Improves thermal comfort or upgrades efficiency?

Energy performance standardisation evaluates all measures at the building and building services level that improve energy efficiency. Thermostatic valves are one of the choices, which are considered. To demonstrate their effect, a detached house, a terraced house and an apartment with three different levels of thermal insulation and hydronic heating were evaluated. Variants considered were (1) the fuel, (2) the boiler and (4) thermostatic valves or not. The TRNSYS and BOILSIM tools were used to simulate an Ukkel TRY-year.

Integrated energetic approach for a controlable electrochromic device

The potential of controlling techniques for an electrochromic device is investigated in a systematic way, using both experimental and theoretical tools. Concerning the theoretical part a model was developed in the TRNSYS environment and validated against experimental data. These data were collected from experiments, which were carried out in a PASSYS test cell with a movable wall. Having established a good model performance several cases of window types (such as a 4mm clear window and a low-e double glazing) and controlling strategies for the electrochromic device are simulated.

Thermal comfort perception and evaluation in urban space

The paper describes the comfort analysis based on simulation tools, microclimaticmeasurements and people response to interview.The results confirm a discrepancy between quantitative evaluation and sensatioin vote, butlowe then one reported by other authors.

The solar roof of enercom, as an integrated energy solution

Actually and in the near future, due to the necessity of refrigeration, the need of thermal energy dissipation systems will be increased. One of the best element, is the cooling tower, but it has one mean inconvenient, what is the use of a fan. The use of the fan has the following misfortunes: waste of energy, noise, vibration and dissemination of Legionella, if it is present.

The serraglaze window - a revolution in daylighting

SERRAGLAZE is a breakthrough daylighting system designed to be incorporated into the primary glazing of normal sidelit rooms to save energy and enhance comfort.The paper describes the design, construction and optical properties of the plastic SERRAGLAZE panel, the key component of the system.

The impact of synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation on the urban heat island effect over Athens, Greece

The effect of the synoptic scale atmospheric circulation on the urban heat island phenomenon over Athens, Greece, was investigated and quantified for a period of two years, using a neural network approach. A neural network model was appropriately designed and tested for the estimation of the heat island intensity at twenty-three stations during the examined period. The day-by-day synoptic scale atmospheric circulation in the lower atmosphere for the same period was classified into eight statistically distinct categories.

Sustainable public housing development - Hong Kong case study

High-density residential development is always a challenging and attractive issue, particular in thosecountries have shortage of land for development. Whilst the concepts of sustainability are beingintroduced throughout the world, high-density development is considered to be a feasible option in the future built environment. However, it comes up another issue of how to provide a better livingenvironment and quality of life in high-density development, and how to ensure the development willprovide a sustainable living for local residents.

Sunlight, fibres and liquid optics: the UFO project

The Universal Fibre Optics project which is part funded by the EC 'ENERGIE' programme involves design and construction of a luminaire which allows the integration of daylight and artificial light. Sunlight is captured through a heliostat and brought into the building by means of a liquid fibre optic cable. Remote artificial backup light is added to maintain the flux output of the luminaire at night and when the sun is obstructed by clouds.

Performance assessment of active facades in outdoor test cells

In the scope of the Belgian “Active Façades” project, a full-scale testing of active façades has been realized in outdoor test cells. The aim is to develop a methodology for assessing this kind of façades and to obtain a better understanding of their beha
