Development of window frames with improved thermal insulation properties

Since the wall insulation of buildings and the quality of glazing improve more and more, the window frame becomes the weak point in the facade from a thermal perspective. This paper discusses a new frameless window construction. Results in this paper show that the best position of the glass is in the middle of the insulation. This new junction has an almost 40 % lower energy loss compared to a traditional junction. Computer simulations as well as experimental measurements of a full-scale prototype have proven this.

Development of a sky radiance distribution model for all sky conditions

In effective use of solar energy and calculation of the heat load of buildings for energy conservation, the actualstate meteorological data are indispensable. It is necessary to propose a sky radiance distribution model, which can correspond to all sky conditions from clear sky to overcast sky. To compose such a model, there should be some index to presume the sky radiance distribution according to the sky condition. In this paper, normalized global irradiance and cloudless index are defined on the basis of measurements as the indices to classify the sky radiance distributions.

Determination of places in the great Athens area where the heat island effect is observed

The main purpose of the present study is to define places in the major Athens area where the heat island effect occurs. Several important climatic parameters are examined in combination with the application of various statistical tests. From this research it is mainly observed that the central and the west industrialized parts of the city of Athens develop intensely the urban heat island effect.

Design guidelines for the Efficient Integration ofRenewable Energy systems and techniques in newbuild settlements in Europe

The White Paper on renewable Energy proposes market measures for fair access to the electricitymarket, fiscal and financing measures, a bio-energy initiative and improved building regulations. Thebuilding's sector represents 20 to 45% of the total energy consumption in the various European countries. A project called RESSET has been undertaken with the aim to study and propose globalstrategies, tools and guidelines that will promote the efficient and cost effective global implementation of Renewable Energy Sources systems and techniques in new-build settlements in Europe.

Defining an architectural or urban sound environment: The experience of a pluridisciplinary approach

Acoustics research is thriving and allowed significant progress in the improvement of living conditions.However, a gap has been noted between research and practical applications in situ. This awareness has encouraged laboratories to investigate the urban sonic environment from different perspectives. Thus the following :1) The sound signal is not a single element, it is always the result of a propagation in a built space and the circumstances that bring about its reception : position and mobility of the listener.

Classification of the IDMP data of Kyoto into Kittler-Perez model of sky luminance distribution

The purpose of this paper is to validate Kittler-Perez model of classification of sky luminance distribution about the IDMP data in Kyoto Japan. Data were classified by the nearest centroid sorting method on the combination of nine indices of insolation condition. The indices are, 1) cloud ratio, 2) sky clearness index, 3) ratio of zenith luminance to diffuse illuminance, 4) standardized diffuse illuminance, 5) brightness, 6) standardized global illuminance, 7) standardized direct illuminance, 8) permeability, and 9) turbidity.

Chromatic and luminous characterization of glazing planes: Critical analysis of international standards

In modern architecture glazed units have become a component whose diversified and complex functions shall often satisfy conflicting needs. The glazed element must be capable to modulate and control the radiant and luminous flux incoming into a room improving the quality of vision and living suitability. The task of this study is to highlight the limits of standards in evaluating glazing units, pointing the attention on the luminous and colorimetric parameters and their influence on people satisfaction and comfort.

Building System with integrated bioclimate pile

The building system provides a solar energy passive contribution into a bio-climatic assembly. The heat carrier is the air. The solar radiation thermal conversion is made through the greenhouse effect. The air is diffused in the inner space naturally, due to pressure and temperature differences, without using mechanical means. There is a synergy, a cooperation of the assembly of building elements which, to this end, have multiple functions.

Assessment of energy saving in buildings by means of hybrid envelope systems

Active and passive solar strategies, together with measures of energy conservation and integration of new materials and technologies, can bring a meaningful energy saving in buildings. In particular, if combined with energy saving measures, the use of solar source can strongly reduce the demand of traditional energy sources. However, the use of such technologies is not sufficient if comfort demands of people who live or will live in the building are neglected and if the proposed technologies are not studied for their real suitability.

A numerical and experimental investigation of a flat plate collector

Radiative cooling systems by means of nocturnal longwave radiation have captured the attention of today’s specialists involved in the construction building process. While most of the systems incorporate a flat-plate radiator that utilizes water, the prese
