Passive cooling techniques for buildings. Potential of use within venezuela's climatic zones

The current paper presents the first outcome of a study dealing with thermal quality of buildings in a context of rationalized energy spending. It takes into account the significance of an integral treatment of the buildings envelope through the previous knowledge of the effects of specific passive cooling techniques. Simulations aimed to evaluate the climatic potential of some of these techniques where made, as a way for sitting down the bases for their application in accordance with Venezuelas varied climate.

Luminous performance and energy savings of a solar tracking mirror system for daylighting

The aim of the present study is the proposal of a novel tracking mirror system for the daylighting of deep interior spaces, such as commercial buildings, underground railway stations, parkings, etc.. The analytical approach demonstrates that it is possible to supply an acceptable workplane illuminance for 6/8 hours per day during the year in southern Italy. The experimental data, obtained by means of a physical model, support the theoretical analysis. Benefits in terms of energy savings and illuminance level, especially in clear sky conditions, are outlined.

Luminance calibration of the Nikon Coolpix 990 digital camera. Application to glare evaluation

In this paper, we present the luminance calibration of the Coolpix 990, a digital camera made by Nikon. We test the different settings of the camera and choose which ones will be adapted to the calibration procedure. We characterize the projection resulting from the fish-eye lens made by Nikon for this camera. After this, the procedure and the experimental set-up used to calibrate it are detailed. We show how we used both an artificial sky and a sky luminance scanner to allow the calibration on the all EV (Exposure Value) scale.

Innovative office building - lighting, productivity and energy

In December 2000, a new demonstration building for lighting research "Valotalo" (Light House) wasinaugurated at Helsinki University of Technology. The newest experimental technologies for integration of artificial and daylight were applied in order to validate their efficiency and peoples acceptance. Photovoltaic panels of 7 kW maximum power were integrated in the south faade. A 30 m2 solar heating system mounted on the roof of "Light House" produces warm service water. A daylighting test room is also built on the roof for further daylight research.

How do people use Venetian blinds in a traditional VDU task office

We are developing a model that is able to predict the most adapted venetian blinds position (slat angle) for a VDU office worker, considering visual comfort matters. This algorithm, which takes into account room parameters as well as visual comfort criterions, is being validated by an in-situ measurement campaign. During 8 months, two field studies are lead to understand the way that office-workers actually use their blinds.

Experimental Assessment of the Effects of Spacer Bar Design on the Condensation Resistance of Insulating Glass Units

Experimental and analytical assessment of three types of spacer bars used in making insulated glass (IG) units were performed and reported earlier, Elmahdy et al (1993). In that study, the authors presented the results of finite difference model and guarded hotbox measurements of the temperature distribution and overall U-factor of the three glazing systems. It was clear from that analysis that the so-called warm edge spacer bars demonstrated better thermal performance compared with conventional metal spacer bars.

European research project RE-VIS, daylighting products with redirecting visual properties

The European RTD project REVIS, Daylighting products with redirecting visual properties (contract JOE3- CT98-0096), started in October 1998 and was completed by the end of 2000. The project was coordinated by TNO. The presentation highlights the objectives, means and some of the main results.

ePowerTomorrow: A foresighting approach for it and energy issues

The energy consumption of consumer electronics is steadily increasing. In the 1992-1996 period its energy consumption has increased by roughly 50%. Along with this, we are observing an intense development of new products along with new functionality getting the best out of the intelligence embedded in products and their communication functions.

Environmental impact and life cycle assessment of heating systems

During the design process of heating systems, the designer must analyse various factors in order to determine the best design options. Therefore, the environmental aspects of a product should be included in the analysis and selection of design options if an environmentally - aware design is to be produced. If one wishes to assess a products environmental impact, its whole life cycle must be studied. The Life Cycle Assessment (or LCA) methodology is an example of one kind of environmental analysis which included the entire life-cycle of a product. However, this method has some limitations.

Embodied Energy as Indicator of Building Environmental Behavior. Taking into Account Building Elements Durability

The paper deals with a complete procedure for the calculation of material embodied energy inthe building sector using a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach; the calculation of embodied energy for building material and components during the design phase takes into account both material durability and frequency of maintenance interventions. As a case study an evaluation of embodied energy for three different types of external walls is reported: external insulation coated, single stratum and multi strata.
