A method to evaluate the savings from domestic solar water heating systems

A review of the solar water heating equations in the BRE Domestic Energy Model was carried out using data from a recent monitoring project. The savings predicted by the model did not match the test data well, so improved equations were devised. Predictions from the new method were then tested against the measured savings from monitored systems and found to match the test data much better.

Sound absorption of microperforated duct systems

This study has demonstrated that the microperforated duct is highly qualified if moderate requirements for the ventilation features and high standards for the absorption characteristic are concerned.In addition, the microperforated ducts allows for draft free ventilation concepts along with a reduction of the sound level of interior noise sources . Experimental evidence is provided in that study.

Double-flux : refreshment and silence

The author presents an example of ventilation for high-standing collective dwellings with a system that combines thermal comfort and healthy ventilation. It consists in picking air on the roof and dispatching it into the building with a vertical tubing. The air is filtered then pulsed by a fan and dispatched in the dwellings via horizontal tubes.
That system solves the acoustic problem too in so far as air is taken on the roof with no air entry on the facade.

Qualification of a system for the destruction of molecular and microbiological contaminants integrated in an air-treatment plant (Qualitification d'un système de destruction des contaminants microbiologiques et moléculaires intégré en centrale de traiteme

The particle contamination is well mastered whereas the molecular and microbiological contaminations are not : the existing purifying systems generally use the trapping but not the destruction of the contaminants. CIAT company has developed the NEO system to destroy those contaminants : it consists in combination of adsorption on activated carbon with photocatalyst, the results of that coupling are encouraging.

Radon in buildings (Le radon dans les batiments)

The authors present the different techniques for the reduction of radon concentrations in buildings, mainly in individual buildings. Natural ventilation is one of the solutions, a second one is the depressurization of the ground and the last one is pressurization of the building with the use of mechanical ventilation. Each building is a specific case but operational solutions exist that have to be forecasted .

Indoor air pollution

The main results of 3 studies on the measurment of the indoor air pollution are presented in this paper. The first article deals with NO2 concentrations in houses, the second one on passive tobacco nuisance that is widely spread and at important degrees and the last one on particle concentrations after the falling of the World Trade Center Towers in New York city. This paper shows the complexity of indoor air pollution phenomena.

Variability of personal chemical exposure in eight office buildings in Sweden

The aim of the authors is to study the differences of indoor air quality between 8 different office buildings along with the different individual exposition between the occupants of the same building. That study lasted 5 months. The results of the measurements have shown that except for ozone, the concentrations of all the measured pollutants are low and that there are more variations between people than between buildings.

New filtration concepts for cabin air filters

The author relates first the history of the cabin air filters then he presents different test methods for the cabin air filters : among them a test method by olfactometry. Finally the Freudenberg offer is presented showing the results of efficiency measurement of activated carbons and fractional efficiency of particulate medium insisting on the efficency of the filtration for particles whose diameter is less than 2.5 micrometers.

Reducing exhaust quantities for atrium smoke control

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the value of using performance-based design techniques in the design of atrium smoke management systems. This approach can reduceproposed smoke exhaust flow rates frequently by more than a factor of two of the initial code-calculated values. The reduction in exhaust flow rates can save money in terms of reducingthe size of the fans and related emergency power systems. The reduction in exhaust flow rates leads to a reduction in makeup air quantities.

An evaluation of three commercially available technologies for real-time measurement of rates of outdoor airflow into HVAC systems

During the last few years, new technologies have been introduced for real-time continuous measurement of the flow rates of outdoor air (OA) into HVAC systems; however, an evaluationof these measurement technologies has not previously been published. This document describes a test system and protocols developed for a controlled evaluation of these measurement technologies. The results of tests of three commercially available measurement technologies are alsosummarized. The test system and protocol were judged practical and very useful.
