Fifteen air cleaners, representing different technologies and types of devices, were tested with a mixture of 16 representative VOCs (17 VOCs in tests for products associated with ozone generation) in a full-scale stainless steel chamber by using a pull-down test method. Their initial performancewas evaluated in terms of single-pass efficiency (?) and the clean air delivery rate (CADR). technologies evaluated include sorption filtration, ultraviolet-photocatalytic oxidation (UV-PCO), ozone oxidation, air ionization (plasma decomposition), and botanical air cleaning.
This paper summarizes the results of field measurements that were conducted in four operating diesel locomotive shops. The physical geometry and ventilation system design are documentedfor each shop, and their usage is described. Measurements taken over a four-day period at each location are discussed, and typical data are presented. When possible, average contaminant concentrations for similar operating events are also analyzed together to provide a more completeassessment of ventilation system operation.
Fan energy use in variable-air-volume (VAV) systems can be reduced by resetting the supply duct pressure. The standard way to reset duct pressure is by controlling the most open terminaldamper to a nearly open position. This strategy is rarely used because of a variety of issues including sensing limitations, network bandwidth, and stability. This paper describes the development of a new method of determining the critical supply duct pressure for VAV systems.
In this study, CFD models are used to test the performance of alternate design strategies as applied to a single data space. Specifically, a shell space is taken through a design process that leads to two separate designs for data center cooling one using overhead supply air distribution, the other using an underfloor supply air plenum. Then, using methods developed by Sharma, Bash, and Chandrakant (Dimensionless Parameters for Evaluation of Thermal Design and Performance of
The annual costs of energy and maintenance in running a heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system and life-cycle costs (LCC) of investments for improving air quality in an office building were compared with the resulting revenues from increased office productivity as a consequence of
This paper presents recent findings on the impact of temperature and ventilation on call-handling performance and selected sick building syndrome symptoms of call center operators near thermal neutral conditions. The blind intervention study was conducted in two call centers in the Tropics
Indoor temperature is one of the fundamental characteristics of the indoor environment. It can be controlled with a degree of accuracy dependent on the building and its HVAC system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential benefits of improved temperature control and apply the information to a cost-benefit analysis. The indoor temperature affects several human responses, including thermal comfort, perceived air quality, symptoms of sick building syndrome, and performance at work. In this study, we focused on the effects of temperature on performance at work.
A deteriorated indoor climate is commonly related to increases in sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms, respiratory illnesses, sick leave, reduced comfort, and losses in productivity. The cost of this for society is high. Some calculations show that the cost is higher than the heating energy
This paper describes the CFD analysis of the atrium smoke control system at the Newseum. The Newseum is a museum dedicated to news, and its new building will become a major attraction in Washington, DC. The building code allows an atrium to be open to the rest of the building only at
three levels. The architectural concept of the Newseum is that six levels of the atrium plus the basement are open to the rest of the Newseum space. The CFD analysis showed that this
Several approaches to estimate the cost of installing and operating a photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) device for application in various treatment concerns are presented. First, a simplified approach for estimating the cost of a PCO device using laboratory data is presented in some detail. Second, the