Reduction potential of urban PM (2.5) mortality risk using modern ventilation systems in buildings.

In Helsinki metropolitan area, , the adult population spends nearly 87 % of their time in indoor environment.Thanks to mechanical ventilation systems with supply air filtering, indoor concentrations of ambient particles associated with health risks can be minimized. That study has quantified the effects of those reductions of concentrations on population exposures.

Ashrae standard 152 and duct leaks in houses

First, this paper discusses duct performance data collected from thousands of houses whose most of ducts leak and merit sealing, then discusses the Ashrae standard 152 that provides a means for rating the performance of different thermal distribution systems and quantifying the amount of energy wasted because of duct leakage.

Creating synergies for sustainable design

This paper deals with the Mountain Equipement Co-op project with the aim of creating synergies for sustainable design and construction of a two-story open-space commercial retail store in Montreal. Synergies were looked for to improve the building energy efficiency such as an optimized building envelope, Geoexchange central plant, heating and cooling with radiant slabs , and an hybrid ventilation.

Measurement of Emission to Air of VOCs and SVOCs: a pre-requisite for Exposure Risk Assessment of Products to be used in Indoor Environments

Exposure risk assessment of any possible release of chemicals from manufactured products, and their possible impact on health and environment is now an important requirement by the European Commission. Environmental exposure assessment should form an integral part of the risk assessment of a biocidal product, including wood preservatives and the active ingredients. Preferably, representative data from well-designed field studies should form the basis of the exposure risk assessment.

Emission classification and labels

A number of emission classification systems changed the test method and/or the classification values, like DIBT, EMICODE, and GuT. New classifications were born, e.g. Natureplus. Harmonisation of the testing protocols showed some progress. But there is also a trend to define limits for SVOC and for single substances. Not all of these parameters can be monitored with sufficient reliability. Identification of complex mixtures is done in a very different manner from lab to lab. This applies especially to terpenes and hydrocarbon mixtures.

PUR Foams as Sources of Emissions in the Vehicle Interior - Evaluation of the Present Situation and Modes of Reduction

The reduction of organic emissions from materials within the vehicle interior has noticeably contributed to the comfort of automobile customers over a period of approximately 20 years. Classes of materials that have been improved in this manner are soft PVC films, SMC, leather, textiles and, to cite a recent example, polyester wood coatings. PUR foams represent a class of materials that are widely used due to their outstanding and widely variable properties. However, they are still a source of undesirably high emissions as illustrated in a screening analysis by DaimlerChrysler.

The effect of painting at home with a modern paint

The effect on Indoor Air Quality of painting at home while resident stays at home has been discussed. This paper presents a case study of the effects. A normal Scandinavian apartement has been refurnished with new paint on the walls and ceilings and the VOC emissions have been followed during eight weeks. Two types of low-emitting paint was selected for the study. A paint shop rolled two layers of new paint on the walls and ceiling in two rooms in the flat.

The role and reliability of the sensory tests in the emission tests for the emission classification of building materials in Finland

Very important issue for all activities for better IAQ in Finland has been the introduction of the classification guidelines for indoor air quality and climate. These guidelines, published by FISIAQ, including measurable target values, cleanliness requirements and emission criteria's for building materials, has been in use in Finland since 1995 and revised year 2001. An essential part of the successful IAQ classification has been the emission classification of construction materials.

Correlation between sensory evaluation, chemical emission and odour description of building materials using different size of chambers

Building products, furniture and other products used indoor influence the indoor air quality. This implies that ventilation is not the only method to ensure good IAQ. Pollutant load reduction by using low-emitting materials is a far more effective way to improve the air quality inside a building. Measurement of chemical emissions is not enough to characterise the impact building materials have on indoor air quality.

Approaches to harmonisation of emission tests for the huge variety of quality labels

The variety of quality labels and classifications dealing with emission into indoor air require many similar tests to be done if a company wants to apply for more than one these. If we want to reduce the necessary number of tests and thus the costs then it is essential that these voluntary labels consider to adapt the international standards and try to harmonise. There are many different approaches in the respective testing protocols but also some common tracks. At the present stage it is already possible to combine testing requirements of some labels to a certain degree.
