IAQ evaluation of educational buildings

The paper presents the first and the second phases of a work in progress aimed to prepare aguide for the IAQ evaluation of the real estate of the Politecnico di Milano University, intended for the technicians of the university building department.The overall work is structured in four phases: (1) census and classification of theconstruction and technical features of the buildings; (2) preparation of a check-list for thedetection of hazards based on homogeneous category of building; (3) monitoring ofrepresentative building of the Politecnico real estate; (4) proposal of techniques and materi

Indoor air quality in two different commercial buildings: Part 1: ventilation, temperature, humidity of air and gas concentrations

The main objective of this study was to investigate the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in officebuildings and to understand better how HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning)systems work and what their effects are on IAQ over a sustained period. Two Frenchcommercial buildings were chosen, located in urban areas of Lyon and Paris, and for one daya month, over the course of 1 year, a number of IAQ related variables were recorded bothinside, including the HVAC system, and outside the buildings.

Wall relative humidity: a simple and reliable index for predicting Stachybotrys chartarum infestation in dwellings

The aim of that study was to compare measurements of wall relative humidity (RH) to mold identification in 458 samples from 100 dwellings. The mold identification was made by a direct microcospic examination of a sample collected on the wall by means of the gummed paper technique. The conclusion of that study was that a simple measurement of wall RH is a reliable index for suspecting S. Chartarum infestation in a dwelling.

Health in occupants of energy efficient new homes

A pilot questionnaire study was carried out on two groups: 128 occupants of new homes' (52 R-2000) on the one hand and 149 occupants of control homes on the other hand: both the groups were questionned to compare their general and respiratory health at occupancy and one year later. Symptom scores improved significantly over the year of occupancy for the occupants of energy efficient homes.

Impact of turbulence anisotropy near walls in room airflow

Re-number k-e model is the most used turbulence model in Computational fluid dynamics. But sometimes that model does not produce good results and Reynolds stress model (RSM) improves the prediction of the velocity in the jet. Measurements and observations of streamline patterns prove it.

Evidence of inadequate ventilation in portable classrooms : results of a pilot study in Los Angeles County

This paper deals with a pilot study in portable classrooms where neither adequate ventilation nor associated conditioning of indoor air for occupant comfort were provided. Concentrations of pollutants should be mitigated with an appropriate ventilation and should lead to a reduction of symptoms of "sick building syndrome"

Modeling the internal dynamics of energy and mass transfer in an imperfectly mixed ventilated airspace

This paper deals with a modeling approach that combines the classical heat and moisture balance differential equations along with the use of experimental time-series data. This approach provides an ideal form for advanced model-based control system design.

Approach for the improvement of energy performance of a stock of buildings

This paper is a sum-up of the work performed by CSTB, ADEME and the Ministry of Equipement in France to improve the energy performance of the huge ministry stock of buildings (10 000 buildings of different size and uses). The objective of the project was to evaluate the performance of the buildings and to improve it in close work with the end-users.

Broadband fan noise prediction using single-airfoil theory - Part 2: experimental validation.

The analytical model described in the first part of the paper is partially validated here by comparing the theoretical results to experimental data collected in a series of model test experiments in an open-jet anechoic wind tunnel. The emphasis is on the validation of the trailing-edge noise model. A comparison is made with existing numerical computations in the literature. The transfer function is found to be roughly invariant with respect to flow conditions encountered on an isolated airfoil. Furthermore, a first application of the model to a cooling fan is presented.

Broadband fan noise prediction using single-airfoil theory - Part 1: Theoretical background

This paper, the first of 2 parts, is dedicated to the analytical modeling of the broadband noise radiated by subsonic fans, such as encountered in HVAC or engine cooling applications. A fan noise prediction scheme is proposed on the basis of single-airfoil linearised unsteady aerodynamics theories. Spanwise distributed sources only are investigated, corresponding to three basic mechanisms, namely the noise from impingement of upstream turbulence, the trailing edge noise associated with turbulent boundary layer scattering, and vortex shedding noise.
