HVAC system performance in large office buildings: ventilation, source control and filtration support air quality

In this paper the author develops the key factors that influence the performance of ventilation systems mainly in large office buildings. Information for the efficient operation of these systems is provided.

Sizing VAV boxes

This article sums up a detailed analysis of variable air volume (VAV) box control. Sizing criteria are provided in order to minimize the life-cycle cost in typical application.

Flow Network Model based on Power Balance as Applied to Cross-Ventilation

This paper reviews the flow network model based on power balance as applied to wind-induced cross ventilation in a residential building. The characteristics of wind-induced cross-ventilation with open windows in buildings are different from those of air infiltration through cracks in walls. The features of the velocity and pressure distributions are apparently different. In cross-ventilation, it seems that a kind of stream tube is formed through the building.

Cost-benefit analysis of the night-time ventilative cooling in office building

The indoor temperature can be controlled with different levels of accuracy depending on thebuilding and its HVAC system. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potentialproductivity benefits of improved temperature control, and to apply the information for cost-benefit analyses of night-time ventilative cooling, which is a very energy efficient method ofreducing indoor daytime temperatures. We analysed the literature relating work performancewith temperature, and found a general decrement in work performance when temperaturesexceeded those associated with thermal neutrality.

Potential benefits of reduced summer time room temperatures in an office building

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential economical benefits of reducedsummer time temperatures in an office building. We selected for the study, a typical officebuilding in downtown Helsinki. We measured the room temperatures during a summerrepresentatively in the office rooms. In many rooms the maximum temperatures were wellabove 30C in summer 2002. We used these measured data and calculated the potentialsavings due to improved thermal environment. A method for calculating the potential savingswas introduced in paper by Seppnen et al. (2003).

Setting indoor air guidelines in Austria

Public health services are increasingly confronted with inquiries from the public concerningindoor air pollution. But so far no standardized procedures have been applied by authoritiesand experts in this field.

Criteria for design of indoor environment in sustainable buildings

There is a worldwide trend to develop a tool that can provide comprehensive assessment ofbuildings for sustainability. Many efforts were found to propose approaches for energy-savingand resource-recycling, and on the other hand buildings for sustainability should maintain theacceptable indoor environment quality to maintain the occupants health. This paper presentsa comprehensive index, IEI(AHP), composed of the filtered physical indicators, for quantitativeassessment on the built environment.

Recommendations for establishing target values and guidance values for volatile organic compounds (VOC) in indoor air

Toxicologically derived guidelines for the evaluation of VOC concentrations are still sparse.Therefore a schema is proposed for establishing target or intervention values which includesfollowing basics: i) Guidelines are derived from statistical values of representative studies. ii)Guidelines should refer to standardized analytical methods. iii) Guidelines should exist for allvolatile indoor air contaminants. iv) Possibility of dynamic adaptation, if the VOC mixturechanges. v) Up-to-dateness. vi) TVOC concept and values for groups of VOC should beincluded.

Striving for excellent indoor air quality - the Hong Kong experience

To promote good indoor air quality (IAQ) and public awareness of its importance, theHKSAR Government has implemented an Indoor Air Quality Management Programme since2000. This paper gives an overview of the programme and the progress made to date. It alsogives a brief account of the voluntary Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices andPublic Places promulgated by the government in September 2003, to promote and recognizegood IAQ management practices in these buildings.

Multicriteria analysis method of health, IEQ and energy use for sustainable buildings

The stake of sustainable development is to ensure today's and future developments of awealthy and healthy society in a high quality environment. This is also valid for sustainablebuildings that should take account of environmental, economical and social stakes. Thisincludes, among others, low energy use, good indoor environment quality (IEQ) and health.One of the aims of the European HOPE project is to evaluate buildings from these points ofview.
