This paper is a description of the design process of a new generation low noise axial fan. The emphasis is on the practical use of acoustic knowledge issued from published work and engineer know-how. The use of date issued from numerical simulation is also presented.
The focus of this paper is on cost effectiveness of remedial measures for existing buildings in order to reduce high summer time indoor temperatures. A typical Finnish office building was selected for the analysis. The cost items included in the analysis are: the capital cost of the remedial measure (increase of ventilation, mechanical cooling added in central air handling unit), cost of the used energy (heat and electricity), and the cost of deteriorated productivity due to high temperatures.
This paper presents a comparison of the predicted and measured acoustic system effect induced by a box with a lateral opening at the inlet of an axial flow fan. The objective of this study carried out on an academic configuration, is to develop and validate prediction models for real cases.
This article presents the difficulty for ASHRAE to take into account the high levels of ventilation requiries and to combine them with the demand for "guidance" encouraged by the tobacco industry and its allies.
This article focuses on the replacement air component for atrium smoke exhaust, including comparisons of three design approaches. The concepts are illustrated by case studies.
The purpose of that study was to measure exposure levels of phthalates and musk fragrances in typical apartments, kindergartens and to estimate their effects on health. 59 apartments and 74 kindergarten in Berlin were studied.
This paper gives a description of the cleaning of metal ducts in small buildings, located in heating climates in the northern US states, with different cleaning techniques, their cost, and advices from different trade associations.
In Germany, the radon concentration of 200 Bq/m3 in accordance with the European recommendation (Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, 1990) is valid as design level for new buildings. Radon from building material can make a significant contribution
This article aims at providing an overview of recent field experience, as reported in the literature, about underfloor air distribution systems (UFAD) as an alternative to conventional air distribution.
IAQ investigators have a responsibility to give correct advice to the client. In cases with mould growth, the question of people’s health is often involved. Economical aspects can also be considerable due to the high costs of necessary actions during and