Harmonization of indoor material labelling systems in the EU - a critical review of existing labelling systems

Under the aspect of consumer protection different kinds of labelling systems for materialemissions have been developed in many European countries and by industrial organizations.Despite a common market there is no harmonized system for material emission available inEurope. In the second half of 2001, the European Collaborative Action on Urban Air, IndoorEnvironment & Human Exposure established a working group to bring forward theharmonization of the indoor material labelling schemes at European level.

Performance criteria for healthy buildings: target values for some indoor air quality parameters

The scope of this paper is the definition of some indoor air quality health-based criteria forhealthy buildings. One possible approach to establish indoor air quality health-based criteriacould be to define target values of a set of measurable parameters (chemical, physical andbiological) related to health. Target values to assess the parameters are set according to fullexposure (e.g. WHO guidelines, 24 h all people) or partial exposure (e.g., EPA guidelines, 8 haverage adult).

Air distribution design based on EN ISO 7730 with the help of a computer program

Klima ADE is a program for fast selection and calculation of air diffusion devices, which isbased on:- Design criteria for the thermal environment are based on EN ISO 7730 (optimaloperative temperature and maximum mean air velocity in occupied zone).

Emissions from construction materials. Results from the National ‘Healthy Building’ Programme

The Healthy Building Technology Programme was established in Finland to abolish thefactors causing building related problems as it was clearly seen that deficiencies in indoor airhad an economical importance even at the national level (Rantama, 2003).

Principles, experiences and new developments of the emission classification of building materials in Finland

A very important issue for all activities for better IAQ in Finland has been the introduction of theclassification guidelines for indoor air quality and climate. These guidelines, published by FISIAQ,including measurable target values, cleanliness requirements and emission criteria for buildingmaterials, have been in use in Finland since 1995 and were revised in 2001.An essential part of the successful IAQ classification has been the emission classification ofconstruction materials.

Implementation of a ventilation system with clean installation method

It is showed that side grinder produce significantly metal sheet dust onto the inner surfaces ofventilation ducts. New, cleaner installation method was developed in which shears are used asinstallation tools. The aim of this study was to carry out ventilation system installations atthree building sites with clean installation method and to collect information about operatingcharacteristics of the shears by interviewing assembly workers.The results of dust measurements showed that the average amount of dust on the inner surfacesof supply air ducts was very low in all three buildings.

Fault introduction and detection in building HVAC systems

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems play an important role formaintaining a healthy and comfort indoor climate for buildings. Faults in the systems decreasethe performance and lead to higher energy consumption or lower thermal comfort level.Researches of the fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) on the building HVAC systems havebeen presented in recent decades. However, many of them use simulation tools or software tocheck the behaviour under the faulty condition. Few people introduced real faults into the realsystems to get the responses.

Indoor air quality as an impact category in life cycle assessment of building materials: the case study of indoor paints

Building environmental performance evaluation should make use of a life cycle assessment(LCA) approach, by considering all building process phases: raw material acquisition,manufacture, transportation, construction, use or operation, decommissioning, disposal andre-use. Such an approach is intended to measure, not only impacts on natural and non-naturalresources but also building indoor environmental quality (IEQ).

A cleaning concept for HVAC system

A cleaning concept consists of an evaluation procedure for estimating the need of cleaning, atheoretical model to design a rotating duct cleaning brush, cleaning methods and a verificationmethod of the cleaning result of HVAC system. The visual evaluation method with a videocamera and a display has been developed for a primary method to evaluate cleanliness beforeand after the cleaning work. The results obtained with the theoretical model of the brush werein good agreement with those obtained in the laboratory tests.

Performance-based building: a state-of-the-art with respect to healthy buildings

Within the European funded project PeBBu (Performance-Based Building), a state-of-the-artreport on the performance-based building (PBB) approach with focus on healthy buildings isprepared. It deals with methods, guidelines, protocols and tools to design, evaluate andmeasure the health status of buildings or designs for buildings. The health of buildings in thiscontext relates to air quality, ventilation, thermal comfort, noise and visual comfort.After an introduction into PBB, this paper summarizes the state-of-the-art with respect toperformance and healthy buildings.
