
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Describes air leakage tests performed in 2 similar houses (one with added insulation and increased airtightness) using the fan pressurization method. Air infiltration measurements were also conducted using the tracer gas decay method and CO2
Shaw C.Y.
An air infiltration computer program, developed earlier, has been further refined by the inclusion of the effects of door openings and vent-fan usage in house air infiltration.
Macriss R.A. Zawacki T.S. Cole J.T.
Assesses the indoor air quality at Oakland Gardens Elementary School in New York City under 3 different ventilation rates. Uses a mobile laboratory to monitor air quality in 2 classrooms, a hallway and outdoors.
Young R.A. Berk J.V. Hollowell C.D. Pepper J.H. Turiel I.
States that any residential energy-conserving retrofit program should should include an indoor air quality audit. Proposes a basic audit strategy that would minimize the number of actual on-site pollutant measurements.
Traynor G.W.
Describes a study of indoor air quality in 12 retrofitted houses of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Midway Substation Residential Community, undertaken by LBL and BPA.
Offermann F.J. Gurman J.R. Hollowell C.P.
Assesses the impact of energy conservation retrofits on the indoor air quality of residential buildings, through a field monitoring project in which air leakage, air exchange rates and indoor air pollutants are measured before and after retrofit.
Berk J.V. Young R.A. Brown S.R. Hollowell C.P.
Discusses common sources of indoor air pollution in buildings and the specific pollutants emitted by each source, including combustion emissions, formaldehyde and other organic substances and radon.
Hollowell C.D.
Treats the relation between transmission heat loss and ventilation heat loss of buildings.
Erhorn H.
Discusses an energy saving project managed by a Swedish contractor ABV and sponsored by the SCBR. The project concerns about 500 flats in buildings that are 25-40 yrs old.
Nylund P.O.
Briefly overviews some of the available instrumentation and techniques that could be used by the home-owner, or professional auditor to evaluate energy use in houses.
Harrje D.T. Persily A.K. Linteris G.T.
Gives a summary of the work in testing of different energy-saving retrofits performed in dwellings in Sweden.
Hammarsten S. Pettersson B.
Discusses the second natural energy conservation program in Sweden implemented in 1980. This sets out to estimate the national energy saving potential, with special reference to existing housing. A refined method for calculation of energy sa
Nilson A.
States that the dependence between the energy consumption to maintain a comfortable indoor climate and the average outdoor temperature is close to being linear (at least in the absence of significant passive solar gains).
Dubal L. Favre P.
Describes a project aimed at developing a method of measuring air infiltration rates in large single cell enclosures and buildings, and of using the method to collect data on actual infiltration rates.
Brayshaw C.J. Dewsbury J.
Examines a new energy conservation technique based on the control of the "fresh air intake" through measurement of CO2 content in extracted air for different kinds of buildings.
Thellier F. Grossin R.
Presents the underlying theoretical basis for measuring air flows in complex, multi-cellular buildings and by reviewing the existing experimental procedures which enables the carrying out of these measurements.
Perera M.D.A.E.S.
One limiting factor in achieving optimum thermal performance in shutters is air leakage around the shutter edges. Describes a motor driven shutter using multilayer curtains employing a magnetic type edge seal.
Schoenau G.J. Besant R.W.
Presents a model for computing the infiltration and air flow between rooms of a multi-room building in terms of basic principles of fluid mechanics.
Walton G.N.
Measures the air change rate in 2 atrium houses and in 6 terrace houses. Examines the possibility of allocating the air change to particular rooms by correctly placed and operated exhaust ventilation and ventilation openings.
Collet P.F.
A wind-tunnel model study of the experimental building at Aylesbury, England has been conducted at scales of of 1:25, 1:50 and 1:100.
Tieleman H.W. Akins R.E. Sparks P.R.
