
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This study investigates the performance of Temporary Isolation Rooms (TIRs) in controlling airborne transmission of aerosols.
Shinhye Lee, Hyunmin Kim, Jooyeon Roh, Myoung-souk Yeo
The context of climate change and the need of saving energy has required rethinking the ventilation and the air change rates in buildings, because of their increased impact on thermal losses.
Gaëlle Guyot, Valérie Leprince
Ensuring acceptable indoor air quality (IAQ) is critical for managing built environments.
Jean Paul Harrouz, Bassam Moujalled, Michel Ondarts, Benjamin Golly, Adeline Mélois, Gaelle Guyot, Jérémy Depoorter
Controlling air infiltration is crucial to ensure thermal comfort, optimal performance of ventilation systems, and the overall energy efficiency of buildings.
Diego Tamayo-Alonso, Irene Poza-Casado, M.Á. Padilla-Marcos, Lida Mercado, Alberto Meiss
Increasing attention is being paid to radon concentrations in the assessment of indoor climatic comfort.
J. Kubiak, M. Basińska
Many children between 1 and 3 years of age spend a fraction of their time in kindergartens.
J.L. Sánchez-Jiménez, M. Ruiz de Adana
The paper introduces an approach for assessing the resilience of buildings to both current heat waves and their recurrence in the future under the impact of climate change.
Letizia Roccamena, Jean-Marie Alessandrini, Pierrick Gervasi, Julien Guilhot, Georgios Kyriakodis, Simon Molesin, Maeva Sabre, Wenjuan Wei
Smart ventilation in residential buildings has gained rising attention recently for the benefits of reducing energy consumption and improving indoor environmental quality.
Yu Wang, Daniela Mortari, Manfred Plagmann, Nathan Mendes, Gaëlle Guyot
Thermal comfort of adolescents (10-17 year olds) in school classrooms is an important but less explored topic. The classroom thermal environment impacts students comfort, learning, and health.
Asit K Mishra, Pawel Wargocki, Eilis J O’Reilly
Improving air quality in existing classrooms can be difficult if retrofitting a mechanical ventilation system is considered too expensive or cannot be implemented due to other reasons, e.g., heritage protection.
Simon Beck, Gabriel Rojas
Children spend about 80-90% of their time indoors, making the quality of indoor environments (IEQ) crucial, particularly since children are more susceptible to pollutants due to their developing bodies and higher relative air in
Lara Tookey, Mikael Boulic, Ilaria Stura, Wyatt Page, Pawel Wargocki, Hennie van Heerden
The project aims to investigate the degree of influence that outdoor conditions may have on the indoor environment in Norwegian schools.
Iselin Ørbek Eide, Christer Eskedal, Kai Gustavsen, Kent Hart, Azimil Gani Alam, Guangyu Cao
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, e.g., air handling units (AHUs), play a key role in modern building energy systems (BES) as they account for a high share of the energy usage, e.g., 30 % within the U.S.
Sebastian Blechmann, Hannah Görigk, Rita Streblow, Dirk Müller
Smart-ventilation with airflows adapting to the need of buildings reduces energy consumptions and can improve IAQ. In some countries, smart ventilation strategies have been widely used for a long term (like Belgium, France,…).
Raíssa Andrade, Gaëlle Guyot
In this work we investigate the bidirectional filtration efficiencies of respirators, such as FFP2 masks and medical masks, under cyclic breathing and different fits.
Dennis Derwein, Tobias Maria Burgholz, Kai Rewitz, Dirk Müller
This work quantifies the chronic harm caused by long-term exposure to common indoor air contaminants in dwellings located in the global north. Two methods are used to compute DALYs.
Benjamin Jones, Gioberttti Morantes, Constanza Molina, Max Sherman
Project RESILIENCE set out to examine overheating in a variety of building archetypes, but also examined several aspects of overheating related to the tools that are used, the weather data that has been employed in dynamic simul
Adam O’ Donovan, Paul D. O’Sullivan
The research exposes a critical feedback loop: the building sector's high energy consumption and emissions contribute significantly to climate change.  Warming temperatures, in turn, lead to increased reliance on energy-intensiv
Izabella Milto, Silvia Erba, Andrea Sangalli, Guilherme Carrilho da Graça, François Garde, Lorenzo Pagliano
In recent years, population exposure to air pollution has been a major concern. Indoor air quality (IAQ) is mainly monitored with CO2-concentration-based indicators.
Diana Decilap, Gaëlle Guyot, Jean-Luc Besombes, Benjamin Golly
Long-term continuous measurements of temperature, humidity and CO2 concentrations were conducted in offices in three buildings of over 3,000 m² and three non-specified buildings of less than 3,000 m².
Yoshinori Honma, Kei Shimonosono, Kenichi Azuma, Dai Shimazaki, Kenichi Kobayashi, Michiko Bando, Naoe Nishihara
