
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Adaptive thermal comfort model has been widely used to evaluate the thermal comfort level of natural ventilation buildings.However, current adaptive standards offer a simple linear relationship between the outdoor temperature and the indoor comfor
Juti Hu, Ge Song, Guoqiang Zhang, China
Ventilation is critical in interpreting indoor air quality (IAQ), yet few IAQ assessments report ventilation rates; even when they do, the measurement method is often not fully described.
Sarah L. Paralovo, Maarten Spruyt, Joris Lauwers, Borislav Lazarov, Marianne Stranger, Jelle Laverge, Belgium
Installing Natural Ventilation (NV) system in office buildings leads to the reduction of energy consumption of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), which accounts for approximately 50% of total in an office building in Japan.
Haruna Yamasawa, Toshio Yamanaka, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Jihui Yuan, Japan
Measuring ventilation rates in occupied dwellings is challenging but represents the conditions that occupants experience.
Jessica Few, Clifford Elwell, United Kingdom
Uncertainties in airtightness measured using fan pressurization test should not be defined by the scattering of the points around the line defined using ordinary least square method anymore.
Martin Prignon, Arnaud Dawans, Geoffrey van Moeseke, Belgium
People spend the majority of their time in their own homes and so the indoor environmental conditions are an important determinant of population health and wellbeing and have economic consequences.
Constanza Molina, Amy Jackson, Benjamin Jones, United Kingdom
This study is a first large-scale analysis of the performance of a cloud connected and smart residential mechanical extract ventilation (MEV) system based on field data.
Bavo De Maré, Stijn Germonpré, Jelle Laverge, Frederik Losfeld, Ivan Pollet, Steven Vandekerckhove, Belgium
Due to the wind induced pressure, different results may be obtained if the inside-outside pressure difference is measured across different locations on the building envelope, i.e.
Jiří Novák, Czech Republic
From a product point of view, today’s state-of-the-art ventilation boxes for residential buildings are generally reliable, efficient and silent according to formal European and national product standards.
Koen Maertens, Belgium
The estimation of low-rise, residential building infiltration rates using envelope airtightness values from whole building fan pressurization tests has been the subject of much interest and research for several decades, constituting a major topic
Andrew Persily, Lisa Ng, W. Stuart Dols, Steven Emmerich , United States of America
The association between indoor air quality (IAQ) and sleep quality was investigated in this study.
Chenxi Liao, Marc Delghust, Jelle Laverge, Belgium
This study aims to evaluate the performances of a VMI, a demand-controlled mechanical supply ventilation system, in an experimental house, in terms of indoor air quality (IAQ), energy performance and thermal comfort.
Clement Laffeter, Xavier Faure, Michele Potard, Claude Bardoul, Julien Escaich, Ophelie Ouvrier Bonnaz, Etienne Wurtz, France
Since the 1970s, many authors have discussed the impact of poor airtightness on building energy use, indoor air quality, building damage, or noise transmission.
Adeline Bailly Mélois, Anh Dung Tran, Mohamed El Mankibi, François Rémi Carrié, Bassam Moujalled,Gaëlle Guyot, France
The indoor air quality is very important for the well-being of occupants, especially in the case of young babies. This research focuses on the air quality of the surrounding air inside a crib with sleeping infants.
Gert-Jan Braun, Wim Zeiler, Netherlands
As newer homes are being built tighter than the existing housing stock, questions have been raised about the concentrations of pollutants of concern in new homes and how mechanical ventilation systems can address this issue.
Iain Walker, Brett Singer, Rengie Chan, United States of America
This study aims to assess the indoor thermal and environmental quality of low-income households in New South Wales, Australia.
Shamila Haddad, Afroditi Synnefa, Riccardo Paolini, Mattheos Santamouris, Australia
More than 20 years of one’s life is spent in the bedroom when sleeping. Sleep quality is essential for our health, well-being and next-day performance.
Pawel Wargocki, Denmark
Wood is a hygroscopic material, it has the ability to adsorb or desorb water in response to the ambient relative humidity. Thus, the ambient air will affect the moisture content of the wood, and in turn, the dimension of the wood.
Paula Wahlgren, Fredrik Domhagen, Sweden
Buildings account for approximately 40 % of energy use in the European Union, as well as in the United States.
Maria Justo Alonso, W. Stuart Dols, Hans Martin Mathisen, Norway
In school and office buildings, the ventilation system has a large contribution to the total energy use. A control strategy that adjusts the operation to the actual demand can significantly reduce the energy use.
Bart Merema, Dirk Saelens, Hilde Breesch, Belgium
