
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In order to identify the effects of various kinds of floor materials and that of humidity on theconcentration of mite allergens in houses of allergy patients, measurements were carried outin two houses near Tokyo in August, November and December 2
Shinohara F., Miyazawa H., Iwata T., Yasueda H., Nagase Y.
A questionnaire on e.g. building characteristics including dampness, and allergic symptomsamong children from 8 918 homes was carried out in the year 2000.
Hägerhed L, Bornehag CG, Sundell J, and the DBH-study group
The aim was to study changes of symptoms and signs in an office exposed to flooding fromheavy rain. All 18 workers participated in medical investigations in January 1998.
Wieslander G., Norbäck D., Venge P.
Japanese Building Maintenance Law defines that indoor humidity shall be maintained not lower than40%. But it is sometime very difficult to comply with the law. Indoor air humidifies in office buildingsmostly below 40% especially in wintertime.
Ikeda K., Ibamoto T., Komatsu T., Saito M., Nakayama M., Saito K., Yamadera S., Kinomoto M., Tsubota Y.
Microbial growth has been known as one of the major problems related to IAQ inresidential and commercial buildings.
Moon H.J., Augenbroe G.
Microclimates in moisture chambers and environment in houses were evaluated using afungal index. The index was calculated from the growth rate of a sensor fungus in a test piece,fungal detector, during an exposure period to the test environment.
Abea K., Nakai S., Yanagisawa Y.
A novel indoor air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma hasbeen developed.
Nojima H., Nishikawa K., Shimizu Y., Schwartz B., Senkpiel K., Ohgke H.
Novel indoor air purification technology using ions generated by discharge plasma has beendeveloped. The effect of ions on airborne influenza virus has been investigated by the plaquemethod using MDCK cells and the hemagglutination test.
Nishikawa K., Nojima H., Aoki M., Kuroda Y.
In buildings growing conditions for mould fungi can occur and cause fungus infestation. Thepossible danger for the occupants of dwellings lies in the production and spreading ofpathogens (disease causing agents).
Sedlbauer K., Krus M., Breuer K.
Accurate and informative sampling methods are very important in the evaluation of fungalexposure in indoor air quality (IAQ) investigations.
Chan W.Y., Law K.M., Vrijmoed L.L.P.
This presentation will review two major microbial cell wall agents (MCWA) - endotoxin and (1->3)-ß-D-glucan - concerning their toxic effects after inhalation and their role for the development of symptoms among persons in buildings with humidit
Rylander R.
Research has suggested associations between indoor microbial exposures and respiratorydiseases across the globe. This aim of this study was to examine whether microbe levels wereassociated with housing characteristics.
Chang C.H., Chi P.F., Liu Y.W., Wu P.C., Su Y.J.
Laboratory trials were performed in order to search for the variety of the production ofmicrobial volatile organic compounds (MVOC), which could be used as indicators for hiddenmould damage.
Schleibinger H., Brattig C., Mangler M., Laußmann D., Eis D., Braun P., Marchl D., Nickelmann A., Rueden H.
The aim of the investigation was to evaluate different methods to sample microbial cell wallagents (MCWA) indoors and to relate the results to clinical markers of inflammation amongpersons (n = 27), living in houses with suspected mould problems.
Rylander R., Beijer L.
The use of high-speed rotary and spray-producing instruments can pose a serious risk indental clinics, by continuously creating a potential harmful contamination of the room.
Popa M., Sîrbu D.M., Sîrbu A.R.
Many studies have shown that ventilation systems often host bacteria and fungi that may bedangerous for the health of people exposed to them. This problem may be particularly acute inhospitals, where exposed people are more sensitive.
Pibiri M.-C., Seignez C., Roulet C.-A.
The primary purpose of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system is to makeoccupants comfortable.
Atthajariyakul S., Leephakpreeda T.
In practice, the commonly used Dutch design criterion for long-term thermal comfort inbuildings- the weighted temperature exceeding hours method- often leads to confusion.The criterion is hard to understand for non-experts, and many doubt the vali
Boerstra A.C., Raue A.K., Kurvers S.R., van der Linden A.C., Hogeling J.J.N.M., de Dear R.J.
A novel PMV index based productivity model is derived and it is used to estimate the effectsof different thermal conditions on productivity. Past research findings are used as inputs in thecreation of this productivity loss model.
Kosonen R., Tan F.
This report is a part of a study to search whether comfort conditions can be attained by localairflow.
Huda L.N., Hiroshi H., Matsubara N., Phonesavanh C., Shoko Y.
