
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper is a commentary on comments made by Drs Molhave and Wolkoff regarding indoor air pollution indices presented by the authors in 2003.
Moschandreas D.J., Sofuoglu S.C.
Pollutants found in indoor air are often several times higher than outdoors. Indoor air pollutants cause effects ranging from odor, annoyance, and irritation to illness, cancer, and even death.
Levin H.
The aims of that study were on the one hand to find out how relative humidity can be reduced by optimal selection of ground covers and air change rates, and on the other hand to evaluate the acceptability of achieved moisture conditions by means
Airaksinen M., Kurnitski J., Seppänen O.
The aims of that study were to find out how the thermal capacity, resistance, and the placement of insulation layers affect relative humidity in crawl spaces.
Matilainen M., Kurnitski J.
The aim of that study was to find out if heating is the alternative for crawl space moisture control with a reasonable low energy consumption.
Matilainen M., Kurnitski J., Seppänen O
Fine particles (4 -700 nm), odour and VOC emissions before and after the used supply airfilters were studied in a ventilation unit.
Hyttinen M., Yli-Pirilä P., Björkroth M., Pasanen P., Raunemaa T., Kalliokoski P.
The study has been carried out in two different French buildings. The main objective of the study was to know more about office buildings’ indoor air quality as well as HVAC installation working over a long period (1 year).
Ginestet A., Ribot B., Henninot M., Pugnet D.
The aim of this work was to assess the influence of the ambient air quality and some indoorsources on the concentration levels of airborne fine particles and volatile organic compoundsin a large school of arts.
Yli-Pirilä P., Nuutinen J., Raunemaa T.
Characterization of indoor particle sources from 14 residential houses in Brisbane, Australia,was performed.
He C., Morawska L., Hitchins J., Gilbert D.
Ultra-fine and fine particle formation as a result of chemical reactions between ozone and fourdifferent air fresheners and a typical lemon-scented domestic cleaner was studied in a fullyfurnished, naturally ventilated office.
Toftum J.,van Dijken F.
Thermal comfort in office buildings is usually unsatisfactory when ceiling air distribution isemployed, because it is hard to make adjustments to reach specific occupancy needs.
Leite B.C.C., Tribess A.
This paper provides a research about rapid methods and simplified tools to assist the projectactors, such as architects, designers and engineers, involved in the building design, in theearliest conception during the preliminary design.
Queiroz-Gaudin T.C.F., Bastos L.E.G.
This paper shall investigate thermal comfort requirements for university students in the hot-humid region of Bahrain and the hot-dry region of Saudi Arabia.
Saeed S.A.R.
A series of thermal comfort field data (about 1800 observations), collected in Bari (Southern Italy), were implemented according to the ASHRAE RP-884 world database format, thus constituting a local database for the Mediterranean area, which, with
Fato I., Chiancarella C.
A spot cooling system using the convective cooling effect of an air stream is known to beeffective by its smothering intensive hot environment, supplying comfort sense and utilizingenergy efficiently.
Lee J.Y., Chin S.W., Chung B.Y.
This paper presents the performance of a displacement ventilation system in a thermalchamber with tropical subjects.
Yu W.J., Cheong K.W, Kosonen R., Xie Y.H, Leow H.C.
We describe the implementation of a model reduction tool within a software dedicated tothermal and airflow simulation. The goal is to allow the use of more detailed models. Wecompare experimental results and simulations results.
Berthomieu T., Boyer H.
The air-conditioned office building design in the tropical hot-and-humid climates has seldomtaken into account adaptation principle to thermal comfort.
Tan F. , Kosonen R.
This paper presents a transient periodic heat transfer analysis of non-air-conditioned multizonebuildings taking into account the effects of heat fluxes through various facades ofbuildings including windows, air ventilation and infiltration, furni
Majali V., Prasad B.N., Bhat A.K.
A partition integrated air supply system can provide highly personalized environmentalcontrol. The supply air is brought up through raised floors and supplied to outlets located onthe partition panels.
Jeong K.
