
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The paper proposes the definitions of the micro-climate zoned indoor and the controlling, it says apply the micro-climate zoned controlled can decline load and reduce the energy of the air-conditioning system.
Gong G, Ma Y, Du A
Recently the air quality has caused people's great attention, and the appraisal of the air quality has become a hot issue in the worldwide. This paper assets that the age-of-air should be an important index to evaluate the air quality.
Yang J, Wu X, Rong Y
Apart from Government's legislations and regulations, standards and guidelines, administration and publicity, ecological design [1-3] is a necessary approach to a clean environment.
Manuel K K K, Xue C Q
The indoor environment is by far the most important environment from a health perspective. Allergies, airways infections, lung cancer etc.
Sundell J
A research initiative, aimed at obtaining status-quo measurements of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and ventilation characteristics in air-conditioned office buildings in Singapore, has resulted in an extensive database, which details are presented in t
Sekhar S C, Tham K W, Cheong D
One of the reasons for using displacement ventilation is that it may provide better indoor air quality in the occupied zone than conventional mixing ventilation.
Lin Z, Chow T T, Fong K F, Liu J P
This paper presents the feasibility of predicting the transient CO2 levels in a classroom. Air measurements in the classrooms were taken to determine the fresh air change rate and ventilation effectiveness by means of tracer gas method.
Yu C K, Chow T T
Indoor air contaminants may be grouped into four categories: microbial contaminants; respirable particles; gaseous contaminants, and vaporous contaminants.
Cheng T, Jiang Y
This study investigates the impacts of the three different types of carpark namely open (on surface), multistory and integrated carpark.
Feriadi H, Wong N H, Tham K W, Sekhar C, Cheong K W
The instantaneous temperatures close to a diffuser for displacement ventilation have been measured by using a whole-field measuring method.
Linden E, Hellstrom J, Cehlin M, Sandberg M
This paper derives some new analytical solutions for buoyancy-driven natural ventilation in buildings with three openings.
Leung H, Li Y
This paper assesses the performance of the ventilation system as applied to a typical patient room using Computational Fluid Dynamics technique (CFD) coupled with the calculation of various ventilation indices.
Memarzadeh F, Manning A
The increased sensibility, as far as the environmental demands are concerned, has intensified the research which aims at minimizing the energy consumption in buildings as well.
di Maio F, van Paassen A H C
Measurement data and analysis of air distribution in one gymnasium is presented in which the airflow is isothermal.
Ma X, Zhao B, Li X, Dou C, Wang F, Luo T, Zhou X
In air conditioning system, air blowing patterns have very important influence on the comfortable state and the energy consumption of air conditioning environment.
Yang S, Yu Q
An irregular grids finite volume procedure is presented for flows in complex geometries. The technique carried out computation in the physical plane itself, without any coordinate transformation.
Sun J, Li N, Tang G, Zheng Z
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the performance of an irregular grids finite volume method described in previous article with the use of standard test problem.
Sun J, Li N, Tang G, Zheng Z
The complex design, build, maintain and retrofit process has been mapped in order to provide a logical structure and flow for the kitchen design system.
Kosonen R, Hagstrom K, Laine T
At present, the studies of thermal comfort of occupants and indoor air quality are mainly not conducted in an apartment unit, but in a single room. Meanwhile, some factors are not taken into account in the research.
Liu O
The paper shows detailed measurement of the air distribution in a room ventilated by mixing ventilation according to the specifications given by the International Energy Agency work.
Nielsen P V, Jensen R L, Pedersen D N, Topp C
